What is 1987 in a hazmat placard?

What is 1987 in a hazmat placard?

UN 1987 Flammable Liquid Placard – Alcohols, (Ethanol), n.o.s.

What is a hazardous materials placard?

A hazardous materials placard is a diamond-shaped sign that must be affixed to any motor vehicle that carries hazardous materials. Ordinarily, it has a four digit number in the middle of the placard and a one digit number at the bottom that shows the hazard class and specific material being carried.

What does placard 3257 mean?

3257. ELEVATED TEMPERATURE LIQUID, N.O.S., at or above 100 °C and below its flash-point (including molten metals,molten salts, etc.), filled at a temperature higher than 190 °C.

What placard is 1202?

Class 3 Flammable Liquid
1202 Placard – Class 3 Flammable Liquid.

What does 1987 mean on a tanker?

Just checked the Hazmat list and 1987 is Alcohol (Beverage) and is has a red placard with white lettering which represents Flammable Liquid. 1987 is alcohols, n.o.s. This includes denatured ethanol. It is denatured specifically to keep people from drinking it. The number for non denatured ethanol is 1170.

What is the correct placard for ethanol?

UN 1170 placard
The UN 1170 placard is for neat ethanol (E100).

What does 1993 mean on a tanker?

Flammable Liquid
UN 1993 Flammable Liquid Placard — Diesel n.o.s. Get specific when shipping potentially dangerous liquids with Labelmaster’s UN 1993 (Diesel n.o.s.)Flammable Liquid Placards.

What does a yellow placard indicate?

White and yellow placards indicate the material is radioactive; Orange placards indicate the material is explosive; White placards with black stripes indicate miscellaneous hazardous materials.

What chemical is placard 3295?

Flammable liquid placards display UN 3295, hazard class 3, and meet hazmat placarding requirements.

What is un1202?

UN 1202. 3. Gas oil or diesel fuel or heating oil, light.

What fuel is 1993 placard?

UN 1993 Flammable Liquid Placard — Diesel n.o.s. Pre-printed with a UN Number, these Hazard Class 3 placards meet the requirements of 49 CFR 172.500 for domestic and international shipments of hazardous materials by highway, rail and water.

What is gasoline placard?

UN 1203 Flammable Liquid Placard — Gasoline or Petrol Get specific when shipping potentially dangerous liquids with Labelmaster’s UN 1203 (gasoline or petrol) Flammable Liquid Placards.

What is a Class 3 hazardous material placard?

Pre-printed with a UN Number, these Hazard Class 3 placards meet the requirements of 49 CFR 172.500 for domestic and international shipments of hazardous materials by highway, rail and water. Your compliance is our top priority.

What is a UN 1987 placard?

What is the Placard 1987? Get specific when shipping potentially dangerous liquids with UN 1987 (Alcohols, (Ethanol), n.o.s.) Flammable Liquid Placards from Labelmaster.

How do you Mark hazardous materials on labels?

Mark hazardous materials and write in information to ensure they are stored and handled properly. Add these labels to products that will expose consumers to chemicals or other substances that can cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm. The graphics on these labels identify hazardous materials and provide safety reminders.

How do you identify the presence of hazardous materials?

Identify the presence of hazardous materials with D.O.T. -regulated numbers, symbols, and messages. Add numbers, abbreviations, and symbols to indicate specific hazards and the degree of hazard using these NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) signs.

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