What is 5-4-3 rule in networking?
The 5-4-3 rule divides the network The rule mandates that between any two nodes on the network, there can only be a maximum of five segments, connected through four repeaters, or concentrators, and only three of the five segments may contain user connections.
What does the 5-4-3 rule entail what kind of architecture is it utilized?
The 5-4-3 rule applies to an architecture that designs the network in a single collision domain. A single collision domain means a group of devices that share collision. Coaxial cables, Hubs, and Repeaters share a collision. If you use these things to build a network, you create a single collision domain network.
What does 5-4-3 mean?
5-4-3 triple play The third baseman (5) fields a batted ball and steps on third base to force out a runner advancing from second, then throws to the second baseman (4) to force out a runner advancing from first. The second baseman then throws to the first baseman (3) to force out the batter.
What does the 5 to 3 rule mean?
Three-fifths compromise, compromise agreement between delegates from the Northern and the Southern states at the United States Constitutional Convention (1787) that three-fifths of the slave population would be counted for determining direct taxation and representation in the House of Representatives.
What is the four repeater rule?
This refers to the number of repeaters and segments that must be present on shared Ethernet backbones set up in a tree topology. The rule states that there should be a maximum of five segments which are connected by four repeaters, and only three of those segments can contain active senders/terminals.
What is a broadcast domain in networking?
A broadcast domain is a logical division of a computer network, in which all nodes can reach each other by broadcast at the data link layer. A broadcast domain can be within the same LAN segment or it can be bridged to other LAN segments. Routers and other higher-layer devices form boundaries between broadcast domains.
What is the 3 repeater rule college?
The rule mandates that there can only be a maximum of five segments, connected through four repeaters, or concentrators, and only three of the five segments may be mixing segments. This last requirement applies only to 10BASE5, 10BASE2, and 10BASE-FP Ethernet segments.
What does 2/3rds mean?
also two thirds. quantifier [QUANT of n] Two-thirds of something is an amount that is two out of three equal parts of it.
Do you read DNA from 5 to 3?
5′ – 3′ direction refers to the orientation of nucleotides of a single strand of DNA or RNA. DNA is always read in the 5′ to 3′ direction, and hence you would start reading from the free phosphate and finish at the free hydroxyl group.
What the maximum number of repeaters is for an Ethernet LAN?
three repeaters
A basic rule of Ethernet life is that a signal can’t pass through more than three repeaters on its way from one node to another. That doesn’t mean you can’t have more than three repeaters or switches, but if you do, you have to carefully plan the network cabling so that the three-repeater rule isn’t violated.
What is the 5-4-3 rule?
The 5-4-3 rule, also referred to as the IEEE way, is a design guideline for Ethernet computer networks covering the number of repeaters and segments on shared-access Ethernet backbones in a tree topology.
What is the 5-4-3 rule for Ethernet?
The 5-4-3 rule — which was created when Ethernet, 10Base5, and 10Base2 were the only types of Ethernet network available — only applies to shared-access Ethernet backbones.
What is the 5-4-3 rule for repeaters?
The 5-4-3 rule ensures this. Each segment and repeater that a signal goes through adds a small amount of time to the process, so the rule is designed to minimize transmission times of the signals.
What is the 5-4-3 rule in a tree topology?
Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 implement a rule, known as the 5-4-3 rule, for the number of repeaters and segments on shared access Ethernet backbones in a tree topology. The 5-4-3 rule divides the network into two types of physical segments: populated (user) segments, and unpopulated (link) segments. User segments have users’ systems connected to them.