What is a 1 kb marker?
Description. The 1 kb DNA Ladder marker consists of nine double stranded DNA bands that are suitable as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. Since this product is premixed with 1× Loading Buffer, it is convenient to load 3~6 μl of this product to agarose gel electrophoresis directly.
What is a 1 kb DNA ladder?
Product Description. 1 kb DNA Ladder allows for determining the size of double-stranded DNA from 250 – 10,000 base pairs (bp). The ladder consists of 13 double-stranded, blunt-end fragments, of sizes 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 8000, and 10,000 bp (see Figure 1).
Does ladder need loading dye?
Ladders are ready to use and suitable not only for DNA sizing but also for approximate DNA quantification in gels. Every ready-to-use ladder is supplied with the nuclease-free Loading Dye Solution, which ensures optimal migration and quantification of your DNA probes.
Why did my DNA ladder smear?
Smearing of DNA ladder occurs due to degradation of DNA into smaller fragments. It can result due to improper storage or due to used running buffer. As far as DNA bands in other wells are concerned, their curved nature results from bad gel casting.
What is the size of 1 kb DNA ladder?
The 1 kb DNA Ladder contains 13 discrete DNA fragments ranging in size from 300 bp to 10,000 bp. This marker is ideal for the size determination of digested DNA. Two ready-to-use DNA size markers for gel electrophoresis, the 100 bp Ladder and 1 Kb Ladder represent the two most popular markers used for DNA fragment size determination.
What DNA markers and ladders Does Neb offer?
NEB offers a variety of DNA Molecular Weight Markers and Ladders ranging from 10 bp all the way up to 1,018 kb. Ladders are available for agarose gel electrophoresis and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. NEB’s DNA ladders are offered in several convenient formats: Conventional (with no loading dye)
What are the DNA molecular weight markers and ladders available?
NEB offers a variety of DNA Molecular Weight Markers and Ladders ranging from 10 bp all the way up to 1,018 kb. Ladders are available for agarose gel electrophoresis and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Available for the Low Molecular Weight , 50 bp , 100 bp , 1 kb , and 1 kb Plus DNA Ladders.
What are biocompare ladders and markers?
The Biocompare Ladders and Markers search tool catalogs a wide variety of reagents for sizing nucleic acid and proteins in electrophoresis applications. Ladders contain premixed fragments of purified DNA, RNA, or protein of known sizes in terms of base pairs or molecular weights.