What is a blunt slide?

What is a blunt slide?

Trick Tip. FS Bluntslide. A Frontside Bluntslide is kind of a Tailslide with the difference that your wheels are on top of the ledge while you are sliding. This is probably one of the heaviest slides and therefore known as the king of all slides.

What is a blunt on a snowboard?

Unlike a Tail Slide, where the tail is on the feature with the trucks on the side, a Bluntslide is where the trucks and wheels are sliding on top of the feature with the boards tail hanging down.

Is blunt to fakie easy?

Blunt to Fakie is definitely a more advanced quarter pipe trick, where you need a lot of board control. It’s a good help to have the Pivot to Fakie on lock already or at least you should have tried Blunt Stalls on a small curb.

What is a lip slide?

What Is a Lipslide? The lipslide is a skateboarding trick where the skater pops onto the edge of a structure or handrail, sliding along it on the center of the board between the two trucks. With a lipslide, the tail of the board goes up and over a structure first (whereas the boardslide trick leads with the nose).

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