What is a body part that has 3 letters?

What is a body part that has 3 letters?

Eye, ear, lip, toe ,arm,leg,gum,jaw are the body parts which are spelled with 3 letters.

What are the 10 part of the body?

Human Body Parts

  • Head.
  • Face.
  • Hair.
  • Ear.
  • Neck.
  • Forehead.
  • Beard.
  • Eye.

What are the names of body parts?

Body Parts Name

  • In order to make it easier to learn, let’s divide the topic into the torso, extremities, and internal parts.
  • shoulder.
  • arms.
  • hand.
  • elbow.
  • finger.
  • wrist.
  • knuckle.

What animal has 3 letters in its name?

Original question: What are some animals that have 3 letters in their name? Ono, elk, cod, ewt, pug, pig, tom, rat, pen, auk, jay, Fly, ewe, tit, yak, fox, ray, Owl, dab, orc, hog, hen, emu, gar, bat.

What are the 3 parts of the body?

The human body consists of a bony skeleton and muscles. The three main parts of the body are: the head, the trunk and the limbs (extremities).

What are the five body parts?

The sections below will look at the five vital organs in more detail.

  • Brain. The brain is the body’s control center.
  • Heart. The heart is the most important organ of the circulatory system, which helps deliver blood to the body.
  • Lungs. The lungs work with the heart to oxygenate blood.
  • Liver.
  • Kidneys.

What are 10 body parts only spelled with 3 letters?

There are 11 body parts that have only 3 letters (no slang allowed). What are they? 1. Arm 2. Leg 3. Ear 4. Eye 5. Lip 6. Gum 7. Rib 8. Jaw 9. Toe 10. Hip 11. Gut

Can you name all the body parts that contain 3 letters?

10 body parts are spelled with three letters: eye. hip. arm. leg. ear. toe. jaw.

How many body parts are spelled with 3 letters?

The names of body parts that is spelled with three letters are eye, hip, arm, leg, ear, toe, jaw, rib, lip, and gum. unlock.

What are body parts spelled with 3 letters?

10 body parts are spelled with three letters: eye. hip. arm. leg. ear. toe. jaw .

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