What is a common side effect from taking certain prescription drugs and consuming grapefruit juice?

What is a common side effect from taking certain prescription drugs and consuming grapefruit juice?

“When there is too much drug in the blood, you may have more side effects.” For example, if you drink a lot of grapefruit juice while taking certain statin drugs to lower cholesterol, too much of the drug may stay in your body, increasing your risk for liver and muscle damage that can lead to kidney failure.

How long after drinking grapefruit juice can I take medication?

This makes it more likely that you will have side effects from the medicine. Interactions can happen up to three days after eating or drinking grapefruit. This means you cannot drink grapefruit juice in the morning and take your medications later in the day to stop possible medicine interactions.

Can drinking too much grapefruit juice be harmful?

Eating a grapefruit or consuming its juices while taking certain medications could lead to gastrointestinal bleeding, kidney failure, depressed breathing and sudden death, warns a new paper in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

What happens if you eat grapefruit while taking a statin drug?

Some substances can interact with statins With some statins, drinking grapefruit juice, or eating grapefruit, is a bad idea. Grapefruit juice can cause that statin to stay in your body much longer, and the drug can build up. This can increase the risk of muscle breakdown, liver damage, and even kidney failure.

What happens if you take allergy medicine with fruit juice?

Fruit juices such as grapefruit juice, orange juice, and apple juice can decrease the amount of Allegra that your body absorbs. This can make the drug less effective. To avoid this interaction, wait at least 4 hours after drinking fruit juice before taking Allegra.

How long does grapefruit juice stay in your system?

The interaction potential of even high amounts of grapefruit juice with CYP3A4 substrates dissipates within 3 to 7 days after ingestion of the last dose of grapefruit juice.

Can grapefruit juice interact with medications and drugs?

Medications can interact with all forms of grapefruit – the fresh fruit, juice or even the frozen concentrate can result in problems. Interactions may occur with commonly used drugs – such as those that lower cholesterol, treat high blood pressure, or even those that fight cancer.

What are the disadvantages of grapefruit juice?

Disadvantages of Grapefruits. 30% increase in breast cancer (unproven) – Since grapefruit juice is known to inhibit enzymes necessary for the clearance of some drugs and hormones, some have hypothesized that grapefruit juice may play an indirect role in the development of hormone-dependent cancers.

Can grapefruit juice interfere with my medications?

). Summary: Though grapefruit does not interfere with most blood pressure medications, it can cause a few medications to over-correct blood pressure. Grapefruit influences a few medications that treat abnormal heart rhythms. These interactions can be particularly dangerous, and include:

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