What is a considered opinion?

What is a considered opinion?

(one’s) considered opinion One’s opinion after giving a topic adequate attention and careful thought.

What does have a view mean?

singular noun. If you have a view of something, you can see it.

How do you use the word view?

View sentence example

  1. You have a nice view from your apartment.
  2. He came into view and moved around the punching bag.
  3. In his view the earth is all equally cultivated like a garden.
  4. Wait a bit, I have something in view for you this evening.
  5. Deities view the world differently?

What word is view?

noun. an instance of seeing or beholding; visual inspection. sight; vision.

Can it be considered as?

These uses are either telling the reader that you should (a) consider two things as equals or (b) use a particular context in order to consider something. “is considered to be” is telling the reader how others consider a thing. In your example, this is much more likely to be the correct choice.

Is consider as incorrect?

The flash card, mentions the usage of ‘consider..as’ to be incorrect. the above mentioned use of “consider as” is used when someone is considering only certain, restricted aspects of someone or something, and deliberately leaving other aspects out of consideration (see the example above).

What is the definition of a “view”?

view(noun) purpose; the phrase `with a view to’ means `with the intention of’ or `for the purpose of’. he took the computer with a view to pawning it. scene, view(noun) graphic art consisting of the graphic or photographic representation of a visual percept.

What does in view of mean?

Definition of ‘in view of’. in view of. You use in view of when you are taking into consideration facts that have just been mentioned or are just about to be mentioned. In view of the fact that Hobson was not a trained economist, his achievements were remarkable. In view of this, the decision may not be easy.

What is the definition of views?

A view is a subset of a database that is generated from a query and stored as a permanent object. Although the definition of a view is permanent, the data contained therein is dynamic depending on the point in time at which the view is accessed. Views represent a subset of the data contained in a table.

What is another word for views?

Another word for view. Noun. aspect, panorama, prospect, scene, view, vista – the visual percept of a region. Example:- the most desirable feature of the park are the beautiful views.

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