What is a insipidity meaning?
1 : lacking in qualities that interest, stimulate, or challenge : dull, flat insipid prose. 2 : lacking taste or savor : tasteless insipid food.
How do you use the word comestible in a sentence?
Comestible in a Sentence ?
- An Italian based comestible, pizza is one of my all-time favorite foods.
- Hot dogs aren’t the only comestible sold on the food cart.
- My mother’s sweet potato pie is the most delicious comestible I’ve ever tasted. ?
Is Insipidness a word?
without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities; vapid: an insipid personality.
What is an insipid novel?
lacking interest or significance or impact; “an insipid personality”; “jejune novel”
What does comestible mean?
: food —usually used in plural.
What is the meaning of meaningful use?
What is meaningful use? 1 Meaningful Use. To qualify for incentive payments through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services EHR Incentive Programs, eligible providers and hospitals must demonstrate meaningful use of an electronic health 2 Stages of Meaningful Use 3 For More Information.
What is the meaning of the word insipid?
Definition of insipid. 1 : lacking taste or savor : tasteless insipid food. 2 : lacking in qualities that interest, stimulate, or challenge : dull, flat insipid prose. Other Words from insipid Synonyms & Antonyms Choose the Right Synonym Insipid vs. Incipient More Example Sentences Learn More about insipid.
What does insipid taste mean?
Insipid is an adjective that describes the near or complete blandness of something’s taste. As our sense of taste is rarely used to measure anything else, this meaning of insipid generally applies to food.
How do you use incipient and insipid?
If you find yourself unsure of which word to use, follow the rule that when referring to someone or something weak, use insipid, and when referring to something that is newly apparent or newly begun, use incipient.