What is a mistimed pregnancy?

What is a mistimed pregnancy?

A pregnancy is called the mistimed pregnancy when a woman did not want to become pregnant at the time of pregnancy. The pregnancies where women conceive but had no plans to become pregnant are considered as unwanted pregnancies [2].

What are the effects of unplanned pregnancy?

Whilst unintended pregnancies do not necessarily equate to pregnancies that are unwanted, they may lead to a wide range of health risks for the mother and child, such as malnutrition, illness, abuse and neglect, and even death.

How many pregnancies are unwanted?

Worldwide, since 1990, as access to contraceptives has increased, the rate of unintended pregnancy has fallen. In 2015–2019, there were 121 million unintended pregnancies annually, corresponding to a global rate of 64 per 1,000 women aged 15–49. This is a decline from 79 per 1,000 women in 1990–1994.

How can I reduce unplanned pregnancy?

Access to contraception that includes the full range of methods, such as long-acting, and reversible forms like intrauterine devices and hormonal implants. Correct and consistent use of contraception for sexually active women who choose to delay or avoid pregnancy.

What percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage?

Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. About 10 to 20 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. But the actual number is likely higher because many miscarriages occur very early in pregnancy — before you might even know about a pregnancy.

How can I improve my unplanned pregnancy?

Two ways to reach these goals are to increase:

  1. Access to contraception that includes the full range of methods, such as long-acting, and reversible forms like intrauterine devices and hormonal implants.
  2. Correct and consistent use of contraception for sexually active women who choose to delay or avoid pregnancy.

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