What is a paltry amount?

What is a paltry amount?

A paltry amount of money or of something else is one that you consider to be very small.

How do you use paltry in a sentence?

Paltry sentence example

  1. Human griefs seem little worth assuaging; human happiness too paltry (at the best) to be worth increasing.
  2. This may look a long period for so paltry a world.
  3. Although investment is at record levels, it is still pretty paltry .

What’s the definition for paltry?

English Language Learners Definition of paltry : very small or too small in amount. : having little meaning, importance, or worth. See the full definition for paltry in the English Language Learners Dictionary. paltry. adjective.

Does paltry mean worthless?

Practically worthless; trifling; insignificant; contemptible; petty. Very small or inadequate in amount; negligible. Was paid a paltry sum for his work. The definition of paltry is a small or meager amount, or is something insignificant.

What does paltry battery life mean?

If you do so, you’ll most likely end up with paltry battery life. This means that the battery should be used, at least once a month when you calibrate the battery. 3. Optimized Use of Your MacBook. Apple doesn’t recommend discharging your battery every single time.

What does paltry mean in Bud Not Buddy?

used in Bud, Not Buddy. only 1 use. insignificant in amount or quality.

What is the synonyms of paltry?

Synonyms & Antonyms of paltry

  • cheap,
  • contemptible,
  • cruddy,
  • deplorable,
  • despicable,
  • dirty,
  • grubby,
  • lame,

What does insignificant mean in statistics?

In general, a lack of statistical significance says that with a given confidence level, the data we have and the statistical test we are performing cannot say that the effect we’re testing is something that is unlikely to be due to some quirk of the sample of data that we have rather than something true about the …

What is an example of insignificant?

The definition of insignificant is someone or something that is small, lacking in power, or otherwise not important. Having one crumb of bread is an example of having an insignificant amount of bread.

Does paltry mean unimportant?

Frequency: Lacking in importance or worth. The definition of paltry is a small or meager amount, or is something insignificant. …

What part of speech is paltry?

What type of word is paltry? As detailed above, ‘paltry’ is an adjective. Adjective usage: This is indeed a paltry flyer about a silly product.

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