What is a plant that starts with E?

What is a plant that starts with E?

Below is a list of plant names beginning with the letter ‘e’, listed by common name….Common plant names.

Common name Botanic name
Eucalyptus Eucalyptus glaucescens
Euphorbia Euphorbia
Euphorbia, Mrs Robb’s bonnet Euphorbia amygdaloides
Euphorbia Euphorbia cornigera

What is a flower that starts with F?

Freesia. (Iris Family). French Marigold. (Tagetes).

Is there a flower that starts with Z?

Zenobia. (Honeycup). Zephyranthes. (Rain Lily).

What is a tree that starts with E?

Common Tree Name

Ebony Trees, Persimmon Trees Diospyros Genus
Elder Berry, Elderberry Trees Sambucus Genus Tree Species Only
Elm Trees Ulmus Genus
Eucalyptus Trees, Gum Trees, Wattle Trees, Mallee Trees Eucalyptus Genus – All Species
Euodia, Evodia, Bee bee Tree Tetradium

What kind of trees start with an E?

Eastern Cottonwood. ( Populus deltoides)

  • Elm, American Elm. ( Ulmus americana)
  • Eucalyptus.
  • Eastern Cottonwood. ( Populus deltoides)
  • Eastern Hemlock.
  • Eastern White Pine.
  • What is a plant that starts with G?

    Below is a list of plant names beginning with the letter ‘g’, listed by common name. Click a letter of the alphabet to see a list of plants with common names beginning with that letter….Common plant names.

    Common name Botanic name
    Geranium Geranium
    Geranium Geranium clarkei
    Geranium Geranium endressii
    Geranium Geranium phaeum

    What is a flower that starts with J?

    Jasmine. (Jasmine officinale). Jonquil. (Narcissus).

    Is there a flower that starts with Q?

    Quince (Chaenomeles sp.) What is this? Flowering quince blooms in late winter or early spring with a stunning display of white, pink, or red flowers.

    What flower starts with AK?

    Flowers that start with letter K

    • Kalanchoe.
    • Kalmia (Spoonwood)
    • Kerria (Japanese Kerria; Japanese Rose)
    • Kniphofia (Red Hot Pokers; Torch Lily; Tritoma)
    • Kolkwitzia (Beauty Bush)
    • Kunzea.

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