What is a restriction on land Kenya?

What is a restriction on land Kenya?

“……the purpose of a restriction is aimed essentially at stemming fraud or improper dealings over land. The Land Registrar may also place a restriction where there is other sufficient cause. Restrictions are to endure for a particular time or until the occurrence of an event, or the making of a further order.

What is a long term lease in Kenya?

Long term leases have for a long time been used to confer ownership of fractional units of land, apartments, flats, town houses and offices in Kenya. The Land Registration Act No. Long term leases are usually registered on the strength of architectural plans / drawings.

How do I apply for a land caution in Kenya?

The registrar then gives notice in writing of a caution to the proprietor whose land, lease or charge is affected….One requires the following documents:

  1. The prescribed form (Form R.L. 22)
  2. An affidavit explaining the interest the cautioner has in the land.
  3. A copy of the title (or the title number)
  4. The prescribed fees.

How can I check my title deed in Kenya?

How to do an online land search in Kenya

  1. Log onto the e-citizen portal and sign up.
  2. Click on Ministry of Land, Housing & Urban Development link and choose the land search option.
  3. Enter the title number and fill the online land search form Kenya and submit.

How do I remove restrictions from land Registry?

How do I remove a restriction at the Land Registry? You can cancel a restriction, if you are not the beneficiary, using RX3, or withdraw a restriction, if you are the beneficiary or you have the beneficiary’s consent, using RX4. You will need to provide evidence for why the restriction is no longer required.

What is a caveat on land?

Protect your interest in a property. A caveat is a statutory injunction that prevents the registration of dealings and plans on a title, provided for under the Real Property Act 1900. A caveat operates as a warning on a land title to others by noting a person or organisation’s interest in land or property.

What is controlled tenancy in Kenya?

A controlled tenancy is a type of commercial lease that comes about under the operation of the provisions of the Landlord and Tenant (Shops, Hotels and Catering Establishments) Act, (Cap 301, Laws of Kenya) (the “Act”).

What is matrimonial property Kenya?

“matrimonial home” means any property that is owned or leased by one or both spouses and occupied or utilized by the spouses as their family home, and includes any other attached property; “matrimonial property” has the meaning assigned to it in section 6; “spouse” means a husband or a wife.

What is a green card in land?

A green card is a document that holds the original records of all transactions relating to a piece of land. A green card serves as a reference document for a given piece of land. Without a green card, one cannot claim to be the legal owner of a property, even if they have a title deed.

Can a title deed have two names in Kenya?

Yes, it is possible for both of you to register the plot as joint owners for your names to all appear in the title deed. Joint ownership of property is fast gaining momentum among couples following the increasing economic empowerment of women.

Can a title deed be Cancelled?

Back to the precedence by Justice Musinga, revocation of a title deed can only be done by a court of law — not public officers. Justice Musinga said the Registrar of Titles could not arbitrarily revoke title deeds without notice and following the due process of law.

Can you sell a property with a restriction?

When there is a restriction on your property it means you cannot sell it without meeting certain obligations.

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