What is a Slocombe drill?

What is a Slocombe drill?

Centre Drills (aka Slocombe Drills) were designed to provide a location for a Tailstock Centre (hence their 60deg point angle) but are commonly used to make a small starting indentation to guide further drilling in a Lathe.

What is expansive bit used for?

An expansive bit is a tool for boring holes of variable width. Expansive bits are made with adjustable cutters that can be extended or retracted. They were designed to eliminate the need for DIYers to buy sets of drill bits.

What is another name for center drill?

Center drill bits, occasionally known as Slocombe drill bits, are used in metalworking to provide a starting hole for a larger-sized drill bit or to make a conical indentation in the end of a workpiece in which to mount a lathe center.

Can you use HSS drill bit wood?

High-speed steel (HSS) drill bits can drill wood, fiberglass, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and soft metals such as aluminum. They work for drilling wood, metal, fiberglass and PVC. Carbide-tipped drill bits stay sharp much longer than steel, HSS or titanium bits. They’re effective for drilling tile and masonry.

What is the difference between HSS and cobalt?

Cobalt drill bits are incredibly strong. They can be operated at much higher speeds than a standard HSS drill bit. The ability to withstand heat means that cobalt bits perform for long periods without cooling or the need for cutting fluid. They are most often used to cut through hardened and abrasive materials.

Are most drill bits 118 degrees?

The two most common drill bit point angles are 118 degrees and 135 degrees. The difference between the two is the shape; a 118-degree bit is steeper, more pointed and has a smaller chisel. The 118-degree bit cuts more aggressively and is generally used for drilling into soft material like wood.

What is expansion of bit?

A bit (short for “binary digit”) is the smallest unit of measurement used to quantify computer data.

What is an awl used for in woodworking?

A scratch awl is a woodworking layout and point-making tool. It is used to scribe a line to be followed by a hand saw or chisel when making woodworking joints and other operations. The scratch awl is basically a steel spike with its tip sharpened to a fine point.

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