What is a superficial thing?

What is a superficial thing?

The definition of superficial is something on the surface or a person concerned only about obvious things. An example of superficial is an oil spill that doesn’t go very deep into the ocean. An example of superficial is someone who is only interested in how they and others look. adjective.

What does superficial mean in psychology?

adj. 1. in anatomy, located close to or at the surface of the body or of an organ. 2. having no deep significance or real substance.

What type of word is superficial?

Shallow, lacking substance. At face value. Of or pertaining to the surface.

What is the synonym of superficial?

cursory, perfunctory, casual, sketchy, desultory, unconsidered, token, slapdash, slipshod, offhand, inadequate, imperfect, slight. rushed, hasty, hurried, rapid, fleeting, passing. thorough, comprehensive. 4’its spines give it a superficial resemblance to a hedgehog’

What does superficial image mean?

3 only outwardly apparent rather than genuine or actual.

What are superficial emotions?

If you describe something such as an action, feeling, or relationship as superficial, you mean that it includes only the simplest and most obvious aspects of that thing, and not those aspects which require more effort to deal with or understand.

Can things be superficial?

Anything superficial has to do with the surface of something. If you’re judging a book by its cover, you’re being superficial. People who worry too much about their clothes and hair may also be considered superficial. The word superficial has to do with appearances and the surface.

What is a superficial love?

“A superficial relationship is one that is only on the surface, often just based on looks and if the partners are having fun together,” professional counselor Heidi McBain, MA, LMFT, LPC, RPT. Now, compare that to love-based relationships, where things often feel a bit deeper.

Is Social Media superficial?

People have speculated for years that social media has caused us to lose touch with the people around us, but worse still; it is causing us to obsess over portraying a fabricated version of ourselves, and our lives, to the world.

What does superficial mean in medical terms?

In anatomy, superficial is a directional term that indicates one structure is located more externally than another, or closer to the surface of the body. The opposite of superficial is deep. For example, the spine is deep in the body, while the skin is superficial. The term superficial is a relative one.

What body part is superficial to what?

Superficial/Deep: A body part is superficial (or external) to another if it is closer to the surface of the body. A body part is deep (or internal) to another if it is farther from the surface of the body. For example, your ribcage is superficial to your heart, but deep to your pectoral muscles.

What is the superficial position?

Superficial, Anatomical: Superficial is an anatomical term that describes a position that is located at or near the surface of the body or of an organ. For example, a minor laceration that only cuts through the epidermis is described as superficial.

What is an example of a superficial sentence?

Superficial Sentence Examples The sentences are much longer and less vivacious, as any one can see by a superficial examination. The deposits are superficial, resulting from the opening out of veins at the surface, and consist chiefly of haematite. A superficial layer of recent volcanic tuffs occurs in several parts of the island.

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