What is a total station survey instrument?

What is a total station survey instrument?

A Total Station is a modern surveying instrument that integrates an electronic theodolite with an electronic distance meter. Total Stations use electronic transit theodolites in conjunction with a distance meter to read any slope distance from the instrument to any particular spot.

What equipment is needed for a survey?

The main pieces of surveying equipment in use around the world are the following: theodolite, measuring tape, total station, 3D scanners, GPS/GNSS, level and rod. Most survey instruments screw onto a tripod when in use. Analog or digital tape measures are often used for measurement of smaller distances.

How do I start a survey with a total station?

Setting Up for a Total Station Survey

  1. Gather Your Equipment: First, you will need to have your equipment ready.
  2. Establish and Mark a Point of Reference: Establish a point of reference for your project.
  3. Set Up the Tripod at the Reference Point: Open the tripod and set it over the point of reference.

What are a surveyors tools?

These tools include surveying instrument tripods, surveyors safety vests, planimeters, surveying bipods, levels, land surveying markers, marking machines, GPS equipment, surveying prisms, survey drones, land surveying rods, transits, stakes, grade rods and much more.

What is a total station used for?

A total station is an optical surveying instrument that uses electronics to calculate angles and distances. It combines the functions of a theodolite with that of a transit level and electronic distance meter (EDM).

What are the disadvantages of total station?

Disadvantages Of Total Station:

  • The instrument is costlier than other conventional surveying instruments.
  • It might be troublesome for the surveyor to investigate and check the work when surveying.
  • Working with the total station is not so easy, as more skilled surveyors are required to conduct a total station survey.

How many types of surveying instruments are there?

Two types of measurements are taken in surveying: Linear measurements and angular measurements. There are different types of surveying equipment used in civil engineering such as Chain, Theodolite, dumpy level, cross–staff, plane table, ranging road, measuring tapes, etc.

How do you use a total station surveying instrument?

How do I use a total station?

  1. Set the instrument to a known point.
  2. Enter the coordinates of the point.
  3. Turn the total station until the horizontal circle reads zero.
  4. Position the reflector to where it lines up with point P.
  5. Measure the distance (which will be calculated and displayed automatically).

What are the accessories of total station?

Total Station Accessories

  • Total Station Battery & Charger.
  • Total Station Prism.
  • Stand For Total Station.
  • Total Station Tripod & Bipod.
  • Total Station Prism Pole.

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