What is a word for not taking action?

What is a word for not taking action?

inaction. noun. the failure to do anything, especially when you should do something.

What’s another way to say taking action?

What is another word for take action?

act react
proceed respond
start do something
take measures take steps
work get moving

What’s another word for no movement?

What is another word for not moving?

static stationary
immobile still
motionless inert
unmoving stock-still
stopped halted

What is another way to say lack of?

1 dearth, scarcity, paucity, deficit, insufficiency; want, need. 3 want, need.

What is a synonym for stagnation?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for stagnation. depression, recession, slump.

What is the synonym of Initiate?

Some common synonyms of initiate are begin, commence, inaugurate, start, and usher in. While all these words mean “to take the first step in a course, process, or operation,” initiate implies taking a first step in a process or series that is to continue.

How do you describe not moving?

Something immobile can’t move or be moved — it’s locked or stuck in place. If you know that mobile things move around, then you’re halfway to understanding what immobile means: this refers to anything that can’t move. A mountain is immobile; no one’s moving that.

What is the synonym of damage?

harm, injury, destruction, vandalization, vandalism. impairment, defilement, desecration, defacement, disfigurement, scarring, mutilation, vitiation, detriment. ruin, havoc, devastation. wear and tear, battering, friction, erosion, attrition, corrosion, abrasion, deterioration, degeneration.

What are some synonyms of complacency?

synonyms for complacent

  • confident.
  • happy.
  • pleased.
  • satisfied.
  • self-righteous.
  • smug.
  • conceited.
  • easygoing.

Is no action an action?

No Action Letters. An individual or entity who is not certain whether a particular product, service, or action would constitute a violation of the federal securities law may request a “no-action” letter from the SEC staff. Most no-action letters describe the request, analyze the particular facts and circumstances involved,…

What is the opposite of take action?

Antonyms for take action include idle, do nothing, languish, loaf, bum, chill, dillydally, laze, slack and loll. Find more opposite words at wordhippo.com!

What word means to take action?

Definition of take action. : to do something : to act in order to get a particular result The committee is ready to take action.

What is another word for “take action”?

Synonyms for take action include act, react, move, begin, proceed, respond, start, do something, take measures and take steps. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!

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