What is a2 zoning in Wisconsin?

What is a2 zoning in Wisconsin?

The purpose of the AG-2 (agricultural-2) zoning district is to protect and preserve agricultural land and its associated uses within the town of Taylor.

What is Zone B4?

A B4 zone rating means that the zone can be used for higher density residential housing, as well as a range of retail, business, light industrial, and community uses. The B4 rating hopes to create a ‘live-work’ environment within central business districts.

What is an example of zoning?

Examples of zoning classifications include industrial, light industrial, commercial, light commercial, agricultural, single-family residential, multi-unit residential, and schools. For example, zoning can limit the maximum height of buildings in a given area regardless of the type of construction allowed.

What does productive forest land mean in Wisconsin?

land that is producing or
Productive forest land means “land that is producing or is capable of producing commercial forest products and is not otherwise classified under this subsection”.

What is G1 zoning in Wisconsin?

Residential (G1) Taxed at 100% of Fair Market Value (FMV) Commercial (G2) Taxed at 100% of FMV. Manufacturing (G3) Taxed at 100% of FMV. Agricultural (G4) Category has the lowest tax rates, defined by use value. Undeveloped (G5) Taxed at 50% of FMV.

What is Zone b2?

• The B-2 will provide locations for moderate to high density housing in urban neighborhoods along arterials. • The B-2b zone is intended to provide neighborhood and community retail, business and service establishments that are oriented to and built close to the street.

What is a B1 zone?

The designation “B1 zone” generally refers to a section of a municipal zoning ordinance that places restrictions on how real estate may be used in a particular area within the municipality.

Can you build on productive forest lands?

Examples of Productive forest land in a sentence Contiguous includes separated only by a road. Productive forest land is defined as land that can produce no less than 1 m3 stem wood including bark annually and that is not used for any other purpose such as agriculture, buildings or infrastructure.

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