What is a^a2 Milk?
A2 milk is milk from mother dairy cows that have been bred to not produce the A1 beta-casein protein, a form of the casein protein in milk.
Is A2 cow’s milk bad for You?
A2 cow’s milk still contains the A2 beta-casein protein and whey protein. If someone with a dairy allergy were to ingest either of these proteins, their body will elicit an immune response, causing an allergic reaction, and making A2 milk an unacceptable and dangerous alternative.
What breed of milk is high in A2 beta-casein?
A2 beta-casein. Milk that is high in A2 beta-casein is mainly found in breeds that originated in the Channel Islands and southern France. These include Guernsey, Jersey, Charolais, and Limousin cows (1, 2