What is advanced individual training in the Army?

What is advanced individual training in the Army?

Advanced individual training is where you will learn the skills needed to perform a specific Army job, such as artillery or engineering. At your AIT school, you’ll receive hands-on training and field instruction to make you an expert in that career field.

What is the definition of military commitment?

The military needs committed service members and families. Generally, when we talk about a committed service member, we mean a person who is strongly attached to his or her military service as an organization and to his or her unit as part of that organization.

What is Osut in the Army?

When trainees graduate and become Soldiers, they go to Advanced Individual Training (AIT). However, there are eleven Army MOS’s in which trainees remain with the same unit (or Army Base) for both BCT and AIT – called One Station Unit Training (OSUT).

Do I go home after AIT?

After AIT Reserve and Guard members will return home, those needing additional training will go to their next training location and Active Duty members will go to their first Duty Station.

How long is Army Advanced Individual training?

four to 52 weeks
AIT can last anywhere from four to 52 weeks depending on the Army career specialty.

How long do you have to commit to the military?

Most first-term enlistments require a commitment to four years of active duty and two years of inactive (Individual Ready Reserve, or IRR). But the services also offer programs with two-, three- and six-year active-duty or reserve enlistments. It depends upon the service and the job you want.

Does OSUT include BCT?

What is “OSUT”? Infantry One Station Unit Training (OSUT) combines Basic Combat Training (BCT) with Advanced Individual Training (AIT) in one location at Fort Benning.

What is the last phase of basic training in the Army?

Phase III (Basic Training) Phase III is designated as the “Warrior” Phase (Blue Flag). It is the last phase of basic training and encompasses weeks seven to ten of basic training and OSUT. This phase is designed to develop and foster the IET soldier’s understanding of the importance of teamwork.

What is the process of transformation from civilian to soldier?

This transformation from civilian to soldier is accomplished during a five-phased soldierization process which begins with a soldier’s arrival at the reception battalion and ends with the awarding of a MOS upon completion of IET.

What is the army’s step policy?

The Army first announced this latest update to its STEP — or select, train, educate and promote — policy in April. But the accompanying All-Activities and Military Personnel messages were not released until Sept. 19 and Sept. 21, respectively.

Why did the US Army stop deliberate defensive operations in Iraq?

During the sustained campaigns of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom, the relative security of US Army combat outposts from enemy firepower decreased the need for focusing on deliberate defensive operations.

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