What is an example of projective identification?

What is an example of projective identification?

One of the best examples of projective identification comes from the movie Good Will Hunting. In the movie the therapist Sean (played by Robin Williams) loses his cool and grabs the client (Will) by the throat in an angry outburst. This is completely inappropriate behaviour for a therapist to engage in.

How might you explain projective identification to a client?

(1) In psychoanalysis, projective identification is a defense mechanism in which the individual projects qualities that are unacceptable to the self onto another person, and that person introjects the projected qualities and believes him/herself to be characterized by them appropriately and justifiably.

What is the difference between projection and projective identification?

PROJECTIVE IDENTIFICATION. The main difference between projection and projective identification is that the former belongs to intrapsychic dynamics, while the latter describes a very primitive form of relating. When projective identification is at work, the projector feels at one with the other person.

Is projective identification a form of transference?

Transferences can be stable structures. Relationships and lives can be built on them. By contrast, projective identifications are in their nature unstable. The recipient is always trying to escape from the foreign body that has been projected into him or her.

Is Gaslighting projective identification?

Gaslighting is a word that has been around everywhere, especially in the last few years. In psychology, it is also called projective identification.

What is projective identification in social work?

Projective identification is an unconscious phantasy in which aspects of the self or an internal object are split off and attributed to an external object. The projected aspects may be felt by the projector to be either good or bad.

Is projective identification unconscious?

Projective identification is an unconscious process in which one takes aspects of the self and attibutes them to someone else.

What are some examples of rationalization?

Rationalization. For example, a person who is turned down for a date might rationalize the situation by saying they were not attracted to the other person anyway. A student might blame a poor exam score on the instructor rather than their own lack of preparation.

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