What is an example of simplifying a fraction?
A fraction is considered simplified if there are no common factors in the numerator and denominator. For example, 23 is simplified because there are no common factors of 2 and 3 . 1015 is not simplified because 5 is a common factor of 10 and 15 .
Why do you simplify fractions?
Simplifying fractions is the process of reducing the numerator and denominator to their smallest whole numbers so the fraction is in its simplest form. This helps other mathematicians or scientists to easily interpret data and can also help avoid confusion when numbers and equations become large and complex.
Why do we simplify fractions?
What is meant by simplest form?
A fraction is in simplest form if the top and bottom have no common factors other than 1. In other words, you cannot divide the top and bottom any further and have them still be whole numbers. You might also hear simplest form called “lowest terms”. For example, the fraction. 4.
What is it called when you simplify a fraction?
We reduce a fraction to lowest terms by finding an equivalent fraction in which the numerator and denominator are as small as possible. To reduce a fraction to lowest terms, divide the numerator and denominator by their Greatest Common Factor (GCF). This is also called simplifying the fraction.
What is example of simplified form?
A fraction is said to be in its simplest form if 1 is the only common factor of its numerator and denominator. For example,89,because 1 is the only common factor of 8 and 9 in this fraction.
Why is it important to write fractions in simplest form?
Which fraction is in its simplest form *?
A fraction is said to be in simplest form if its numerator and denominator are relatively prime , that is, they have no common factors other than 1 . (Some books use “written in lowest terms” to mean the same thing.) So, 59 is in simplest form, since 5 and 9 have no common factors other than 1 .