What is an Operation Enduring Freedom veteran?
Occurrence. OEF/OIF is an acronym that refers to the U.S.-led conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. Specifically, OEF means “Operation Enduring Freedom” (the war in Afghanistan), while OIF stands for “Operation Iraqi Freedom,” or the Iraq War. Veterans from the OEF/OIF conflicts have been found to have high rates of PTSD.
What qualifies as a protected veteran?
A recently separated veteran is a protected veteran when they separate from the military/stop serving on active duty and for three years afterward. This three year period begins on the date of discharge/release from active duty.
Does the National Defense Service Medal make me a protected veteran?
An Armed Forces Services Medal Veteran is also a protected veteran because they served on active duty in the U.S. military during a U.S. military operation for which an Armed Forces Service Medal was awarded pursuant to Executive Order 12985. …
Should I select protected veteran?
It probably doesn’t matter, either way. Employers who have contracts with the US federal government are required to solicit certain information from their applicants, for reporting purposes. The question you’re asking, about “Protected Veteran” status is one of those. It probably doesn’t matter, either way.
What’s the difference between Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom?
“OEF” stands for “Operation Enduring Freedom” while “OIF” stands for “Operation Iraqi Freedom.” OEF was named for Afghanistan while OIF was named for Iraq. OEF was named for Afghanistan in the fight against terrorism particularly the Al-Qaeda group lead by Osama bin Laden who is dead right now.
What are the benefits of being a protected veteran?
How “Protected Veteran Status” Works. You cannot be denied employment, harassed, demoted, terminated, paid less or treated less favorably because of your veteran status.
Can you wear a national service medal?
The National Service Medal is an unofficial commemorative medal sold by Award Productions Ltd. and co-sponsored by the Royal British Legion. As it is not an official medal it should not be worn.
What does Operation Enduring Freedom mean in Afghanistan?
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF; October, 2001 – December, 2014) OEF is the official name used for the War in Afghanistan, together with three smaller military actions, under the umbrella of the Global War on Terror. However, the phrase is typically used to refer just to the war in Afghanistan.
When did Operation Enduring Freedom start and end?
Operation Enduring Freedom – (OEF), 7 October 2001 – 31 December 2014. Succeeded by Operation Freedom’s Sentinel. The U.S. government used the term “Operation Enduring Freedom” to officially describe the War in Afghanistan, from the period between 7 October 2001 and 31 December 2014.
What is the difference between Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation New Dawn?
Operation Enduring Freedom started in October 2001 in response to the 9/11 attacks. Operation Iraqi Freedom started in March 2003 with the invasion of Iraq. Last combat brigade left Iraq August 2010. Operation New Dawn started September 1, 2011.
Who is eligible for the Medal of Honor for Operations Enduring Freedom?
Initial award of this medal is limited to personnel deployed abroad in Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. The area of eligibility encompasses the United States Central Command area (less the lower horn of Africa); Middle East; eastern Turkey, Philippines; Diego Garcia; and all air spaces above the land and adjacent water areas.