What is another way to describe enveloping an object?

What is another way to describe enveloping an object?

1 enfold, cover, hide, conceal. 3 encompass, enclose.

What is the synonym of envelop?

coop (up), corral, encage, encase, enclose.

What does the term enveloping mean?

: to completely cover (someone or something) : to completely enclose or surround (someone or something)

What’s another word for eccentric person?

What is another word for eccentric person?

freak oddity
free spirit kook
peculiar person screwball
strange person unorthodox person
wackadoo wackadoodle

What is the synonym for surrounding?

milieu, mise-en-scène, setting, surround, terrain.

What is another word for immersive?

What is another word for immersive?

hypnotic mesmerisingUK
entrancing riveting
alluring enveloping
captivating enchanting
enticing fascinating

What is the difference between envelope and envelop?

To envelop is to surround something completely. But an envelope is a piece of paper you put your love note in and lick to seal. With enVElop, the accent is on the second syllable, while with ENvelope, the accent is on the first.

What is the nearest in meaning for enveloped?

cooped (up), corralled, encaged, encased, enclosed.

Is enveloping a adjective?

adjective enclosing, surrounding, concealing, encompassing, shrouding, encircling, all-embracing, enfolding Astronomers are unable to see the planet’s surface because of the enveloping clouds.

What is a word for surrounded by?

prepositionin the middle of; between. amid. amidst. betwixt. encompassed by.

What is the meaning of enveloping?

Definition of envelop. transitive verb. 1 : to enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering. 2 : to mount an attack on (an enemy’s flank)

What is the opposite of envelope?

Antonyms for envelop include disregard, exclude, forget, free, ignore, open, release, reveal, uncover and unloose. Find more opposite words at wordhippo.com!

What is another word for “pushed the envelope”?

Synonyms for ‘push the envelope’: go to extremes, rampage, run amok, go mad, overdo, overreach, overstretch, hop, overcompensate, max out

What is another word for greetings?

Synonyms for Greetings: interj. •good day (interjection) good morning. •hello (interjection) His. n. •congratulations (noun) felicitations, best wishes, good wishes. Other synonyms: • regards. •deference respects.

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