What is another word for central character?

What is another word for central character?

central character

  • central figure.
  • central player.
  • hero.
  • heroine.
  • key player.
  • lead character.
  • leading character.
  • leading figure.

What is another term for main character?

main character; protagonist; leading actor; principal person; principal character; hero; principal figure; main actor.

What is a central character?

A story has a central character that acts as the focus of the audience’s emotional attachment to the story. This Main Character is the conduit through whom the audience experiences the story subjectively.

What is it called when you think you are the main character?

Main Character Syndrome — also know as the protagonist syndrome — is when “a person views him/herself as the main character in a work of fiction. Everything this person does all fits into a narrative.”

What is a primary character?

Your primary characters are your main players in the story. They might be your protagonist and villain, but your primary characters may be your whole cast if you’re writing from multiple points of view. These are the characters your story revolves around in.

What is another word for character traits?

What is another word for character trait?

personality trait personal attribute
personal characteristic personal trait
characteristic idiosyncracy

What is the main character called?

Protagonist: The main character of the story is the protagonist.

What is the main character?

The definition of the main character is the character who the story is mostly about or the point of view of the story. Often the main character has their name in the title of the movie or TV show. And it speaks to the idea that the main character is going to be central to this story.

What is tertiary character?

Tertiary characters, simply put, are the third most important characters in a story. They pop up in one or two scenes, say one or two lines, then they are gone! Even if they only appear in one scene, they deserve as much thought as the other characters.

What is a secondary character called?

The definition of a deuteragonist (from the Greek deuteragōnistēs, for “second actor”) is the second most important and present character in a story—often called a secondary main character.

What are the special characters in Microsoft Word?

Microsoft Word includes two types of special characters: (1) text characters that don’t appear on standard keyboards and (2) formatting characters for text layout. Today’s post explains all of the special characters in Microsoft Word for Office 365, Word 2019, and Word 2016. Word 2013 and Word 2010 offer similar special character options.

What do you call the main character in a play?

central character. Noun. The primary part in a play or film. lead. leading role. star. starring role. star role. principal part.

What are the special formatting characters for text layout in word?

Word has fifteen special formatting characters for text layout. 1. Nonbreaking hyphen is a visible hyphen that prevents the word or character string from separating at the hyphenation point when it reaches a line break. 2.

What is another word for imaginary character?

character, fictitious character. imaginary being, imaginary creature – a creature of the imagination; a person that exists only in legends or myths or fiction.

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