What is bitrevorder in matlab?
bitrevorder is useful for prearranging filter coefficients so that bit-reversed ordering does not have to be performed as part of an fft or ifft computation. Both MATLAB fft and ifft functions process linear input and output. Note. Using bitrevorder is equivalent to using digitrevorder with radix base 2.
How do you reverse a bit in Matlab?
y = bitrevorder(x) returns the input data in bit-reversed order in vector or matrix y . The length of x must be an integer power of 2. If x is a matrix, the bit-reversal occurs on the first dimension of x with size greater than 1. y is the same size as x .
What is bitrevorder in matmatlab matrices?
MATLAB ® matrices use 1-based indexing, so the first index of y is 1, not 0. bitrevorder is useful for prearranging filter coefficients so that bit-reversed ordering does not have to be performed as part of an fft or ifft computation.
What is bit-reversed ordering in MATLAB?
Bit-reversed ordering can improve run-time efficiency for external applications or for Simulink ® blockset models. Both MATLAB fft and ifft functions process linear input and output. Using bitrevorder is equivalent to using digitrevorder with radix base 2.
What is bitbitrevorder used for?
bitrevorder is useful for pre-arranging filter coefficients so that bit-reversed ordering does not have to be performed as part of an fft or inverse FFT ( ifft) computation. This can improve run-time efficiency for external applications or for Simulink ® blockset models. Both MATLAB ® fft and ifft functions process linear input and output.
What is bitrevorder in Simulink?
Bit-Reversed Ordering bitrevorder is useful for prearranging filter coefficients so that bit-reversed ordering does not have to be performed as part of an fft or ifft computation. Bit-reversed ordering can improve run-time efficiency for external applications or for Simulink ® blockset models.