What is breast cancer summary?

What is breast cancer summary?

Breast cancer is a disease in which cells in the breast grow out of control. There are different kinds of breast cancer. The kind of breast cancer depends on which cells in the breast turn into cancer. Breast cancer can begin in different parts of the breast.

What is the conclusion of breast cancer?

Conclusion. There are two important aspects in breast cancer prevention: early detection and risk reduction. Screening may identify early noninvasive cancers and allow treatment before they become invasive or identify invasive cancers at an early treatable stage. But screening does not, per se, prevent cancer.

What are 5 causes of breast cancer?

Factors that are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer include:

  • Being female.
  • Increasing age.
  • A personal history of breast conditions.
  • A personal history of breast cancer.
  • A family history of breast cancer.
  • Inherited genes that increase cancer risk.
  • Radiation exposure.
  • Obesity.

What is the theme of breast cancer?

But the National Breast Cancer Foundation’s theme for 2021–RISE: Rally In Supporting, Serving and Screening Everyone, is an inspiring call to action. As they say on their website—it’s not about the challenge we face, but the “ways in which we rise to meet that challenge.”

What is a breast?

The breast is the tissue overlying the chest (pectoral) muscles. Women’s breasts are made of specialized tissue that produces milk (glandular tissue) as well as fatty tissue. The amount of fat determines the size of the breast. The milk-producing part of the breast is organized into 15 to 20 sections, called lobes.

What is the function of the breast?

The breast is an organ whose structure reflects its special function: the production of milk for lactation (breast feeding). The epithelial component of the tissue consists of lobules, where milk is made, which connect to ducts that lead out to the nipple.

What is cancer conclusion?

A plan for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer is a key component of any overall cancer control plan. Its main goal is to cure cancer patients or prolong their life considerably, ensuring a good quality of life. In order for a diagnosis and treatment programme to be effective, it must never be developed in isolation.

Can you get breast cancer at 12?

If you feel a lump in your breast, don’t panic — breast cancer is extremely rare in teens. For teen girls, the most common type of breast lump is usually just part of normal breast growth.

Who started breast cancer?

Who Started it? Breast Cancer Awareness Month began in 1985 as a partnership between the American Cancer Society and the pharmaceutical division of Imperial Chemical Industries. Betty Ford helped kick off the week-long event, as she was herself a survivor of breast cancer.

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