What is cattle Leukosis?

What is cattle Leukosis?

Bovine leukosis is a disease of cattle caused by the bovine leukosis virus (BLV). This is a blood-borne disease; the virus survives in white blood cells, called lymphocytes. Only about 5% of the cows infected with BLV ever develop a clinical disease.

What causes enzootic bovine leukosis?

Enzootic bovine leukosis is caused by BLV, an exogenous C-type oncogenic retrovirus of the BLV-human T-lymphotropic virus group.

Is Leukosis the same as leukemia?

Leucosis is a leukemia-like malignant viral disease that is found in animals, particularly poultry and cattle.

What is bovine leukemia virus in cattle?

Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is an oncogenic retrovirus that infects lymphocytes (white blood cells).

What does lymphoid leukosis mean?

Lymphoid leukosis is a neoplastic disease of poultry caused by avian leukosis virus. The disease is characterized by B-cell lymphoma, occurring in chickens approximately 16 weeks of age and older. Standard criteria used for diagnosis include history, clinical signs, gross necropsy, and histopathology.

Is lymphoid leukosis contagious?

The virus is not highly contagious compared with other viral agents and is readily inactivated by disinfectants. Transmission can be reduced or eliminated by strict sanitation. After the infection is eradicated, standard disease control and sanitation practices can keep chicken flocks free of the disease.

What are the symptoms of enzootic bovine leukosis?

Clinical signs most commonly associated with infection include weight loss, decreased milk production, lymphadenopathy, and posterior paresis. Transmission of BLV occurs through the transfer of infected lymphocytes from one animal to another. Once acquired, viral infection is lifelong.

Is bovine leukemia virus infectious or noninfectious?

Enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL), also called bovine lymphosarcoma or bovine leukemia, is an infectious disease naturally occurring in cattle.

Is bovine leukosis zoonotic?

Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is an oncogenic deltaretrovirus that is emerging as a possible zoonotic infection.

What is avian sarcoma disease?

Avian sarcoma leukosis virus (ASLV) is an endogenous retrovirus that infects and can lead to cancer in chickens; experimentally it can infect other species of birds and mammals. ASLV replicates in chicken embryo fibroblasts, the cells that contribute to the formation of connective tissues.

What is lymphoid leukosis?

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