What is Charter font?

What is Charter font?

Charter Typeface Charter is a transitional serif typeface designed by Matthew Carter in 1987 for Bitstream Inc. The font based on Pierre-Simon Fournier’s characters, originating from the 18th century. Charter font family includes Regular and Bold weights, including matching Italics.

Is Charter font free?

Charter is also available as a full OpenType font family (though not for free). Charter is the basis of another free font called Charis. Charis has a larger character set, so if you need that, you might prefer it to this version. But if not, stick with this one—Charis includes some questionable design modifications.

Is Charter a system font?

Charter is a great font and it’s available as an upgrade from Georgia on macOS and iOS without using web fonts. MacOS and iOS now make Charter available as a system font, so it’s great choice. It’s also a free font, and so likely installed on many linux and Windows systems as well.

Is Calisto MT a good font?

Calisto MT is intended to function as both a typeface for body text and display text. Its stroke contrast is minimal and it preserves an even color, especially in smaller point sizes, which contributes to its great legibility….Calisto MT.

Category Serif
Date released 1987

What is font name any one font?

The name of a font family of choice. In the last example, “Gill” and “Helvetica” are font families….15.3. 1.1 serif.

Latin fonts Times New Roman, Bodoni, Garamond, Minion Web, ITC Stone Serif, MS Georgia, Bitstream Cyberbit
Arabic fonts Bitstream Cyberbit

What is the origin of charter font?

Charter is a transitional serif typeface designed by Matthew Carter in 1987 for Bitstream Inc. The font based on Pierre-Simon Fournier’s characters, originating from the 18th century. Charter font family includes Regular and Bold weights, including matching Italics.

What is the Carter font?

The letter forms of Carter have been reshaped and digitised for use as a webfont, the counters have been opened up a little and the stems optimised for use as display font for modern web browsers.

What is the best printer to print with a charter?

Charter was originally optimized for printing on the low-resolution 300 dpi laser printers of the 1980s and remains suitable for printing on both modern high-resolution laser printers and inexpensive lower resolution inkjet printers due to its strong, legible design.

What is the best font to use for business documents?

Headline: For the Headlines and Text, Charter font is very good to use. You can utilize its couple of formats according to requirements. Official work or Documentation: The font has the look to use in the official work and documentation. Logos: You can design your logos with it.

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