What is DHS trusted traveler?
The Trusted Traveler Programs (Global Entry, TSA PreCheck®, SENTRI, NEXUS, and FAST) are risk-based programs to facilitate the entry of pre-approved travelers. All applicants are vetted to ensure that they meet the qualifications for the program to which they are applying.
Is trusted traveler the same as TSA PreCheck?
TSA PreCheck® and Global Entry are both Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Trusted Traveler Programs. TSA PreCheck® provides expedited security screening benefits for flights departing from U.S. Airports. For more information on all of the DHS Trusted Traveler Programs use the DHS interactive Trusted Traveler Tool.
How long does trusted traveler program last?
5 years
Once you are approved for a Trusted Traveler program, your membership will be valid for 5 years, with expiration date based on your date of birth.
What is the best trusted traveler program?
Global Entry is the best trusted traveler program if you have a passport. Global Entry includes all the advantages of the TSA PreCheck plan plus it allows you access to an express line through customs and immigration on your way back home from international airports and destinations.
What is sentri program?
SENTRI is a Trusted Traveler Program that allows expedited access back into the United States from Mexico. It also includes Global Entry and TSA PreCheck, which allow expedited processing back into the U.S. from any foreign nation, and expedited security processing at U.S. airports, respectively.
What if my Global Entry expired?
You become eligible to renew your membership one year prior to program expiration. If you submit a renewal application before your membership expires, you will be able to continue to use benefits up to 6 months after your membership expiration date if your renewal does not get processed in time.
Is TSA PreCheck free for seniors?
TSA Pre-Check is not for free for seniors. If you are 75 or older, you should be able to keep your light jacket and shoes on when going through security so you do have a form of Pre-Check in many cases.
Is known traveler the same as trusted traveler?
A Known Traveler Number (KTN), also called a Trusted Traveler Number, is a number issued by the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), or Department of Defense (DoD).