What is GE LightSpeed VCT?
The GE LightSpeed VCT is a whole body CT scanner that has been designed to produce advanced cardiac and neuro imaging using SnapShot Pulse™. This scanner also uses the VolumeShuttle™ acquisition technique to enable 80 mm of volume coverage.
What is a VCT scanner?
Volumetric computed tomography (VCT) is a technology in which area detectors are used for imaging large volumes of a subject with isotropic imaging resolution. We are experimenting with a prototype VCT scanner that uses flat-panel X-ray detectors and is designed for high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) imaging.
What is the newest CT scan machine?
GE Healthcare introduced its Discovery CT750 HD FREEdom scanner, which offers a new type of detector for better signal-to-noise ratios and new reconstruction software to reduce stitching artifacts and noise of low-dose scans.
What is volume CT scanning?
Flat-panel Volume CT is a technique under development to make computed tomography images with improved performance (in particular, with improved spatial resolution).
Is 64 slice CT scan good?
The 64-slice CT scan is able to give your physician a better view of the size, shape and position of soft tissue structures than if simply using a regular X-ray. These types of CT scans also help identify tumors and cysts, as well as diseases of the liver, lungs, coronary arteries and other organs.
What is the fastest CT scanner?
The 640-slice CT scanner uses 80% less radiation than conventional scanners. The. 640-slice CT scanner can image the entire heart in less than one third of a second. The scanner’s fast rotation and large detector coverage change the way routine images are acquired.
How is a CT scan carried out?
During a CT scan, you lie in a tunnel-like machine while the inside of the machine rotates and takes a series of X-rays from different angles. These pictures are then sent to a computer, where they’re combined to create images of slices, or cross-sections, of the body.
What is pitch in CT scan?
The term detector pitch is used and is defined as table distance traveled in one 360° gantry rotation divided by beam collimation 2. For example, if the table traveled 5 mm in one rotation and the beam collimation was 5 mm then pitch equals 5 mm / 5 mm = 1.0.
What are the specs of a GE lightspeed VCT scan?
GE Lightspeed VCT 64 Slice (Technical Specifications) GE Lightspeed VCT 64 Slice CT Scanner. The Lightspeed VCT 64 slice features 40 mm coverage of patient anatomy per rotation and 64 slices at 0.625 mm and offers 5-beat cardiac covering 137.5 mm per second.
What kind of CT scan is Gege VCT 64?
GE Lightspeed VCT 64 Slice CT Scanner. The Lightspeed VCT 64 slice features 40 mm coverage of patient anatomy per rotation and 64 slices at 0.625 mm and offers 5-beat cardiac covering 137.5 mm per second. The system’s fast acquisition speed and high image resolution is ideal for neuro, pediatric, angiography, cardiac, pulmonary, and trauma.
What is the Lightspeed VCT 64 slice?
The Lightspeed VCT 64 slice features 40 mm coverage of patient anatomy per rotation and 64 slices at 0.625 mm and offers 5-beat cardiac covering 137.5 mm per second. The system’s fast acquisition speed and high image resolution is ideal for neuro, pediatric, angiography, cardiac, pulmonary, and trauma.
Which is the best 64 slice CT scanner?
GE LightSpeed VCT 64 Slice CT Scanner The GE LightSpeed VCT is a high image resolution 64-slice CT system. The high image resolution and acquisition speed is ideal for angiography, cardiac, neuro, pediatric, pulmonary, and trauma when freezing of cardiovascular motion, pure arterial phase imaging, and superior MultiPlanar reformats are key.