What is hematogenous metastasis?

What is hematogenous metastasis?

Some cancer cells known as circulating tumor cells acquire the ability to penetrate the walls of lymphatic or blood vessels, after which they are able to circulate through the bloodstream to other sites and tissues in the body. This process is known (respectively) as lymphatic or hematogenous spread.

What is HER3 breast cancer?

HER3 is emerging as a crucial biomarker in luminal breast cancers. HER3 mRNA is expressed significantly in estrogen receptor positive (ER+) or luminal tumors, consistent with the observation that HER3 is essential for cell survival in the luminal but not the basal normal mammary epithelium.

What is considered distant metastasis?

Listen to pronunciation. (DIS-tunt meh-TAS-tuh-sis) Refers to cancer that has spread from the original (primary) tumor to distant organs or distant lymph nodes. Also called distant cancer.

What is Hematogenously?

(HEE-muh-TAH-jeh-nus) Originating in the blood or spread through the bloodstream.

What is the difference between HER2 and HER3?

The role of HER3 in HER2-driven breast cancers extends beyond its role in the genesis and growth of these tumors and accounts for much of the observed resistance to HER2 inhibitors. Unlike HER2, the expression of HER3 is highly dynamic and highly regulated11,12.

What is HER2 and HER3?

Dimerization of human epidermal growth-factor receptor (HER)2 and HER3 occurs frequently and is a preferred heterodimer. The HER2/HER3 dimer constitutes a high affinity co-receptor for heregulin, which is capable of potent mitogenic signaling. HER3 is a kinase-defective protein that is phosphorylated by HER2.

What area of the body is the most common site of metastasis for primary tumors?

Where does cancer spread?

Cancer Type Most Common Site of Metastasis
Bladder Bone, liver, lung
Breast Bone, brain, liver, lung
Colorectal Liver, lung, peritoneum (abdominal cavity)
Kidney Adrenal gland, bone, brain, liver, lung

Can breast cancer metastasize to the bones?

For more than half of women who develop stage IV breast cancer, the bones are the first site of metastasis. Although breast cancer can spread to any bone, the most common sites are the ribs, spine, pelvis, and long bones in the arms and legs. A sudden, noticeable new pain is the most common symptom of cancer that has spread to the bone.

Can breast cancer metastasize to the brain?

However, for about 17% of women in this group, the brain is the only site of metastasis. The risk of cancer spread to the brain is usually highest for women with more aggressive subtypes of breast cancer, such as HER2-positive or triple-negative breast cancer.

What is localized metastatic breast cancer?

Localized metastatic breast cancer often means the breast cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes. The more distant locations include the bones, lungs, skin, liver and brain, although it’s possible for other parts of the body to be affected.

Who are the medical experts for metastatic breast cancer?

The medical experts for Metastatic Breast Cancer are: Marisa Weiss, M.D., chief medical officer of Breastcancer.org; breast radiation oncologist, Lankenau Medical Center, part of Main Line Health, a five-hospital health system in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA

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