What is intracapsular neck of femur fracture?

What is intracapsular neck of femur fracture?

Intracapsular neck of femur fractures (#NOF) occur within the capsule of the hip joint. The blood supply to femoral head travels in a retrograde direction via the capsule. As such, any fracture within the capsule could be likely to damage this blood supply (see below, complications)

What is fractured neck of femur?

A femoral neck fracture is a particular type of hip fracture that occurs at the femoral neck. When a femoral neck fracture occurs, the ball is essentially disconnected from the rest of the femur. Fractures to the femoral neck can completely or partially disconnect the femoral head from the rest of the femur.

Which classification is used to describe intracapsular neck of femur fractures?

The Garden classification is a system of categorizing intracapsular hip fractures of the femoral neck. This fracture often disrupt the blood supply to the femoral head.

What is an extracapsular hip fracture?

An extracapsular fracture is a bone fracture near a joint but still located outside the joint capsule. Examples of extracapsular fractures are intertrochanteric and subtrochanteric hip fractures.

What is a extracapsular trochanteric fracture?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. An extracapsular fracture is a bone fracture near a joint but still located outside the joint capsule. Examples of extracapsular fractures are intertrochanteric and subtrochanteric hip fractures.

What is intracapsular fracture of the hip?

A femoral neck fracture is intracapsular, that is within the hip joint and beneath the fibrous joint capsule. Although other, more detailed classification systems exist, in general fractures are classified as stable and unstable. Each category has different operative management options.

What is a malunion fracture?

After a bone is broken (fractured), the body will start the healing process. If the two ends of the broken bone are not lined up properly, the bone can heal with a deformity called a malunion. A malunion fracture occurs when a large space between the displaced ends of the bone have been filled in by new bone.

What is extracapsular ligament?

Outside of the articular capsule are ligaments called extracapsular ligaments. They function to hold the bones in place, provide stability, and prevent dislocation injuries. For the knee, the extracapsular ligaments would connect the femur and the tibia. The knee has two extracapsular ligaments.

How to treat femoral neck fracture?

Surgery is the most common treatment for a femoral neck fracture, though conservative treatment could be warranted in high-risk cases or less-severe stress fractures. This could include resting the joint, keeping weight off the hip with crutches, pain management, and physical therapy after the bone has healed.

What is treatment for femoral neck fracture?

If your fracture can’t be seen in the images and you still have symptoms, your doctor may recommend a CT scan, or an MRI or bone scan for a more detailed look. Treatment of femoral neck fractures usually involves surgery, medication, and rehabilitation. Pain medication provides short-term relief from pain.

What are the symptoms of a neck fracture?

Severe pain

  • Swelling and possible bruising
  • Tenderness
  • Decreased feeling in the arms or legs
  • Muscle weakness or paralysis of the arms or legs
  • What are the complications of a femur fracture?

    Some of the common complications include, Nonunion of the fracture can lead to deformities and affect the gait of the individual. Thromboembolism (formation of a clot in vessel) is one of the most severe complications of femur fracture and can lead to sudden death. Infection is another common complication associated with the fracture of femur.

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