What is Lumos Labs?

What is Lumos Labs?

At Lumos Labs, we believe in helping people keep their brains challenged. That’s why we created a simple online tool to allow anyone to train core cognitive abilities. From neuroscience to visual art, we combine many diverse disciplines to create our engaging brain training program — making cognitive research available to everyone.

What is launchlumos labs?

Lumos Labs is a Singapore based innovation management firm that specialises in running technology open innovation programs.

Why choose Lumos reader platforms?

Our reader platforms act as a starting point to reduce overall product development effort and timeline. They are customizable to meet partner and/or end user needs and price points. Lumos has developed a digital technology platform that enables our clients to leverage the cloud to create an entire product ecosystem that enhances reader capability.

Can Lumos POCs be configured as stand-alone products?

These can be configured as stand-alone, manual-read products or interfaced with Lumos readers or third-party hardware for fully automated solutions. Lumos has drawn upon its range of optical detector technologies, to configure a range of POC reader platforms for devices needing an objective test result.

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