What is meant by mass attenuation coefficient?
The mass attenuation coefficient (also known as the mass absorption coefficient) is a constant describing the fraction of photons removed from a monochromatic x-ray beam by a homogeneous absorber per unit mass.
What is the mass attenuation coefficient of lead?
It depends upon filtration. For 100 keV photons mass attenuation coefficients of aluminum (ρ= 2.7g/cm3) and lead (ρ=11.4 g/cm3) are 0.17 and 5.46 cm2/g.
What is the coefficient of NaI?
Total linear and mass absorption coefficients for NaI(Tl) have been measured at 13 gamma energies between 0.15 to 2.75 MeV with an accuracy of 0.1–0.2%.
Why is mass attenuation coefficient useful?
Accurate values of the photon mass attenuation coefficients are required to provide essential data in diverse fields such as nuclear diagnostics (computerized tomography), radiation protection, nuclear medicine, radiation dosimetry, gamma ray fluorescence studies, and radiation biophysics.
What does mass attenuation coefficient depend on?
The attenuation coefficient is dependent upon the type of material and the energy of the radiation. Generally, for electromagnetic radiation, the higher the energy of the incident photons and the less dense the material in question, the lower the corresponding attenuation coefficient will be.
What is the linear attenuation coefficient of aluminum?
The linear attenuation coefficient of absorber materials such as graphite was (0.097 cm −1), whereas it was observed (0.136 cm −1) for aluminium, and lead was (0.596 cm −1).
What factors mass absorption coefficient depend?
It is worth mentioning that the coefficient of linear absorption depends on the density of absorbed materials and when considering the mass of the material, we are talking about the mass attenuation coefficient of the gamma radiation Thus, the important parameter for the identification of substances in attenuation …
What is the mass attenuation coefficient of Aluminium?
Why does copper have a higher attenuation coefficient than Aluminium?
Among these materials, Cu stepwedge has been used occasionally1,5,12.It is a basic rule of radiophysics that in objects of the same thickness, the X-ray absorption of the material increases with the number of its electrons per centimeter2,8. Therefore, Cu has higher x-ray attenuation when compared to Al.