What is Measure B in Sonoma County?

What is Measure B in Sonoma County?

Measure B defines the West County Transient Occupancy Tax Area as the unincorporated area of west Sonoma County encompassed within the combined area of the Bodega Bay Fire Protection District and the West Sonoma County Unified High School District.

What is Measure B San Diego?

Measure B, asking San Diego voters to create more robust community oversight on the actions of police officers, passes. The commission would also review complaints against officers and investigate in-custody deaths, shootings by police and other allegations of misconduct.

What is Measure O in California?

Measure O is a voter-approved initiative that requires developers of residential projects to provide a certain percentage of the total number of units as affordable to moderate, low or very-low income households.

What is Measure D?

Measure D is a comprehensive and inclusive package of transportation improvements passed in November 2016 by over 2/3 of Santa Cruz County voters (83,816). The ½-cent, 30-year sales tax measure includes transportation projects that support: Providing safer routes to schools for local students.

Did San Diego Measure B passes?

San Diegans overwhelmingly passed Measure B, which will establish an independent commission to oversee the San Diego Police Department.

What is a Measure J?

Measure J, which passed last November, requires L.A. County to spend at least 10% of its general fund on social services and jail diversion programs. This ruling, if it stands, could be a huge blow to the criminal justice reform movement.

How do I apply for low income housing in Santa Cruz County?

Housing Assistance Information

  1. Get help applying by texting “RENT” to 211-211 or call 831-316-1822 or call local resource centers:
  2. In Watsonville Call: Community Action Board 831-778-4535. Families in Transition 831-740-2947.
  3. In Mid and North County: Live Oak Community Resources 831-476-7284.

What is Measure J home?

Measure J is the name of the 1978 voter initiative that created Santa Cruz County’s Inclusionary Housing Program providing deed restriced below market rate housing. Affordable Housing Guidelines.

What is Measure R in California?

Measure R was a ballot measure during the November 2008 elections in Los Angeles County, California, that proposed a half-cent sales taxes increase on each dollar of taxable sales (originating in or made from Los Angeles County) for thirty years in order to pay for transportation projects and improvements. …

What is the main idea Measure R?

Measure R is an effort to help subsidize a transition in L.A. back to an earlier model of public-transit mobility and perhaps a return to a broader, more comprehensive urban universe as well. Just as important, it is also a referendum on the future shape of the city.

What is Measure B in Alameda County?

Alameda CTC administers Measure B funds to deliver essential transportation improvements and services. The Alameda County 20-year Transportation Expenditure Plan guides the expenditures of more than $1.4 billion in county transportation funds generated through the continuation of the sales tax over the next 20 years.

What was the result of Measure B?

Measure B was voted on November 6, 2012 and passed with 55.9% of the vote. In 2012 proponents gathered 372,000 voter signatures through a citizens’ initiative in Los Angeles County to put Measure B on the 2012 ballot. Supporters of Measure B said it would stop the spread of STDs in the porn industry and protect tax dollars.

What are Measure B’s regulations?

Measure B’s regulations – such as the limits to the number of guests, late night outdoor activities curfew (similar to hotel ‘quiet hours’), and penalties for repeated violation of the rules are fair and will apply to all vacation rentals citywide.

What does Measure B do for local transit agencies?

Local transit agencies and jurisdictions receive Measure B direct local distributions to meet these regional priorities through five main transportation programs (see the related content). Measure B also funds grant programs:

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