What is Navex training?
NAVEXEngage, NAVEX’s online ethics and compliance training solution, provides legally vetted and topical content that helps you with compliance and employee adoption.
Does Massachusetts require harassment training?
According to Massachusetts law, employers should provide sexual harassment training to new employees within one year of hire, and should provide additional training supervisors regarding their responsibilities and methods necessary to ensure immediate and appropriate corrective action when responding to complaints.
Does anti harassment training work?
It may be most effective in mobilizing bystanders: Although many people may think the goals of anti-sexual harassment training are to decrease perpetrators’ behaviours and increase targets’ willingness to report complaints, research shows that anti-sexual harassment training may function most effectively through …
What is compliance training ABA?
The essence of Compliance Training with ABA is reinforcing cooperative behavior. Reinforce compliance with high P behaviors. Gradually made the demands less and less preferred until the child frequently complies with important requests such as to complete school work or follow safety rules.
What behaviors are harassment?
Harassment covers a wide range of behaviors of an offensive nature. It is commonly understood as behavior that demeans, humiliates or embarrasses a person, and it is characteristically identified by its unlikelihood in terms of social and moral reasonableness.
What constitutes harassment in Massachusetts?
In Massachusetts, a criminal harassment charge may arise from a variety of circumstances. Generally, criminal harassment entails intentionally targeting someone else with behavior that is meant to alarm, annoy, torment or terrorize them. Not all petty annoyances constitute harassment.
What is considered a hostile work environment in Massachusetts?
A hostile work environment involves harassment, and harassment is defined by the EEOC as: Unwelcome conduct that is based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information.
What states require harassment prevention training?
The #MeToo era has prompted an increasing number of states to mandate sexual harassment prevention training in the workplace. California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine and New York all have such laws in place.
What is harassment prevention training?
Harassment prevention training is an effective means of reducing and preventing claims, and is a vital element of your company’s overall employee education program. Training programs can be administered by an outsourced training specialist, or created and implemented in-house.
How do I contact NAVEX Global Customer Service?
A NAVEX Global representative will contact you shortly. If you have any immediate questions, please give us a call 1-866-297-0224.
What is the navexengage ethics & code of conduct course?
The NAVEXEngage Ethics & Code of Conduct course is a critical tool for organizations serious about cultivating and maintaining an ethical workplace. Composed of 20 topical 5-minute modules, customers can construct a course unique to their own concerns.
What is the best anti-harassment training course?
NAVEX Global’s Workplace Harassment eLearning course has been the premier anti-harassment training course in the market for 20 years. Updated at a regular 24-month cadence, this course is the foundation for thousands of organizations’ approach to training their learners on workplace harassment rules, regulations and expectations.
What is included in the sexual harassment prevention course?
It includes modules on topics such as harassment fundamentals, harassment prevention, discrimination and national origin, workplace dating, abusive conduct, gender identity and expression, how to manage and respond to complaints, and retaliation.