What is person-centred care framework?

What is person-centred care framework?

A person-centred approach means focusing on the elements of care, support and treatment that matter most to the patient, their family and carers. So before even thinking about measuring, the priority is to identify what is most important to them, without making assumptions.

WHO Framework integrated people centered health services?

The five interdependent strategies are: (1) empowering and engaging people and communities; (2) strengthening governance and accountability; (3) reorienting the model of care; (4) coordinating services within and across sectors; and (5) creating an enabling environment.

Why is a person Centred approach important?

Person-centred care helps to minimise the risk of negative, unfair or harmful treatment and neglect to the recipients of health and social care services. The individual is put at the centre of the care and is able to choose and control how they want their care and support to be delivered.

Who is Person-Centred?

A person-centred approach is where the person is placed at the centre of the service and treated as a person first. The focus is on the person and what they can do, not their condition or disability. Support should focus on achieving the person’s aspirations and be tailored to their needs and unique circumstances.

What are the five key elements of person-centred care?

Person-centred care

  • affording people dignity, compassion and respect.
  • offering coordinated care, support or treatment.
  • offering personalised care, support or treatment.
  • supporting people to recognise and develop their own strengths and abilities to enable them to live an independent and fulfilling life.

How is person-centred care used to support individuals?

In person-centred care, health and social care professionals work collaboratively with people who use services. Person-centred care supports people to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to more effectively manage and make informed decisions about their own health and health care.

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