What is Pinta disease?

What is Pinta disease?

Pinta is a rare infectious tropical disease affecting the skin that is caused by the bacterium Treponema carateum, which is transmitted by direct, nonsexual contact. Pinta progresses through three distinct stages, which are characterized by various skin lesions and discoloration.

Is yaw a STD?

Yaws is a chronic disfiguring and debilitating childhood infectious disease. Yaws affects skin, bone and cartilage. Humans are currently believed to be the only reservoir, and transmission is from person to person. Yaws is cured with a single oral dose of an inexpensive antibiotic called azithromycin.

What causes Bejel?

Bejel is a rare infectious disease caused by a spiral-shaped bacterium (spirochete), known as Treponema pallidum endemicum. Under a microscope, T. p. endemicum is virtually indistinguishable from Treponema pallidum, the bacterium that causes syphilis.

What does yaws look like?

Symptoms of yaws include: A single, itchy, raspberry-like growth (mother yaw) on the skin, usually on the legs or buttocks, which eventually develops a thin, yellow crust. Swollen lymph nodes (swollen glands) A rash that forms a brown crust.

What is endemic syphilis?

Endemic syphilis is a disease that is common to dry, hot climates and to rural areas of poor economic status, education, and personal hygiene. [1, 2] Transmission occurs when skin or mucous membranes come in contact with infected skin lesions.

What are endemic Treponematoses?

– Endemic treponematoses are bacterial infections caused by 3 different types of treponema (other than Treponema pallidum). Human-to-human transmission may be direct or indirect. – The 3 endemic treponematoses result in positive syphilis serology (TPHA-VDRL), but these tests are not necessary as diagnosis is clinical.

What is the difference between yaws and syphilis?

Syphilis is usually transmitted sexually and now has a global distribution. Yaws is characteristically an infection acquired during childhood through skin contact in remote regions of Africa, South Asia, and the Western Pacific islands.

Is Bejel curable?

Bejel, also known as endemic syphilis, is a chronic but curable disease that is seen mostly in children in dry regions, such as parts of Africa (Sudan, southern Rhodesia, and South Africa), parts of the Middle East (among nomadic/Bedouin tribes of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Syria), and parts of Asia (Turkey, southeast …

Are Chancres painful?

Chancres are usually firm, round, and painless, or sometimes open and wet. There’s often only 1 sore, but you may have more. Chancres can show up on your vulva, vagina, anus, penis, scrotum, and rarely, your lips or mouth.

Are yaws fatal?

Yaws is rarely fatal, but the disease can lead to deformities or issues with mobility. Even with treatment, these issues might not go away. An estimated one in 10 untreated infections leads to disfigurement or disability.

Can poor hygiene cause syphilis?

BACKGROUND. CAUSATIVE AGENTS. Syphilis is a chronic infectious disease caused by the spirochaete Treponema pallidum. Syphilis is usually transmitted by sexual contact or from mother to infant, although endemic syphilis is transmitted by non-sexual contact in communities living under poor hygiene conditions.

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