What is pluralism as it applies to interest groups quizlet?

What is pluralism as it applies to interest groups quizlet?

Pluralism. -Theory that all interests are, and should be, free to compete for influence over the government. -argues interest group are vital part of Amer gov.

What do interest groups do ap gov?

Interest Groups- collection of people who share some common interest or attitude and seek to influence government for specific ends. Usually work within the framework of government and employ tactics such as lobbying to achieve their goals.

What is the pluralist theory AP Gov?

Pluralist Theory. A theory of government and politics emphasizing that politics is mainly a competition among groups, each one pressing for its own preferred policies.

What is the central idea of pluralism quizlet?

What is the central idea of pluralism? Through groups, citizens can influence government outcomes.

What is the difference between political parties and interest groups quizlet?

What is the difference between a political party & an interest group? Political parties want to win elections and take control of the government. Interest groups are citizens that join together and voice their opinions and their goal is to influence the government.

What is the purpose of an interest group quizlet?

Interest groups are groups that participate in order to promote policy goals that members share. They usually focus their efforts on one specific issue area, unlike political parties, which have to address all issues on the public agenda.

What is a pluralism government?

Classical pluralism is the view that politics and decision-making are located mostly in the framework of government, but that many non-governmental groups use their resources to exert influence. …

What is suggested by pluralist theory quizlet?

Pluralism states that groups with shared interests have the most influence on government. Elitism states that a small group of upper-class people have the most influence on government. Hyperpluralism states that interest groups are the real power and that government itself has been weakened by them.

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