What is record in PLpgSQL?

What is record in PLpgSQL?

PostgreSQL provides a “type” called the record that is similar to the row-type. It can hold only one row of a result set. Unlike a row-type variable, a record variable does not have a predefined structure. The structure of a record variable is determined when the select or for statement assigns an actual row to it.

How do I return a record in PostgreSQL?

To return a table from the function, you use RETURNS TABLE syntax and specify the columns of the table. Each column is separated by a comma (, ). In the function, we return a query that is a result of a SELECT statement.

How do I call a function in PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL Python: Call PostgreSQL Functions

  1. conn = psycopg2.connect(dsn)
  2. cur = conn.cursor()
  3. cur.callproc(‘function_name’, (value1,value2))
  4. SELECT * FROM function_name(value1,value2);
  5. cur.execute(“SELECT * FROM function_name( %s,%s); “,(value1,value2))
  6. cur.close() conn.close()

How do I record in PostgreSQL?

We can declare a record type variable by simply using a variable name followed by the record keyword. Syntax: variable_name record; We can use the dot notation (.) to access any field from the record type variable.

What is a record variable?

A record variable is a composite variable whose internal components, called fields, can have different data types. The value of a record variable and the values of its fields can change. You reference an entire record variable by its name.

What is raise notice in PostgreSQL?

In PostgreSQL, RAISE is used to report errors and messages. RAISE is used to raise errors and report messages, PostgreSQL provides various parameters to report an error, warning, and information at a detailed level.

How will you write a function that returns table?


  1. Specify a name for the function.
  2. Specify a name and data type for each input parameter.
  3. Specify the routine attributes.
  4. Specify the RETURNS TABLE keyword.
  5. Specify the BEGIN ATOMIC keyword to introduce the function-body.
  6. Specify the function body.

What is Plpgsql language?

PL/pgSQL (Procedural Language/PostgreSQL) is a procedural programming language supported by the PostgreSQL ORDBMS. SQL statements and triggers can call functions created in the PL/pgSQL language.

How do I view PostgreSQL procedures?

You can use pg_proc to show to stored procedure code:

  1. SELECT prosrc FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = ‘function_name’;
  2. SELECT pg_get_functiondef(( SELECT oid FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = ‘function_name’));
  3. SELECT pg_get_functiondef(( SELECT oid FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = ‘film_in_stock’));

What is row in PostgreSQL?

Introduction to the PostgreSQL ROW_NUMBER() function The ROW_NUMBER() function is a window function that assigns a sequential integer to each row in a result set. If you specify the PARTITION BY clause, the row number for each partition starts with one and increments by one.

What is Records and its types?

The record type is a data type that you use to treat several different pieces of data as one unit, for example, name and phone number. Each of these units is called a variable of record type. Each piece of data is called an attribute. A data value or a variable for the record type is called a record.

How do you declare a record type?

Syntax for declaration at subprogram level: DECLARE TYPE IS RECORD ( , ); BEGIN ; END; In the syntax, we are creating the record type named “type_name” only inside the subprogram. In both declaration method, the way of defining the column and data type is similar.

What is the basic make up of a plpgsql function?

The basic make-up of a PLPGSQL function is as follows: There is the body which in modern versions of PostgreSQL (8+) the preferred encapsulation is dollar quoting vs. using a single quote Then there is a BEGIN END structure that defines the meat of the function.

What are PL/pgSQL record types?

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn about the PL/pgSQL record types that allow you to define variables that can hold a single row from a result set. PostgreSQL provides a “type” called the record that is similar to the row-type. To declare a record variable, you use a variable name followed by the record keyword like this:

What is a for loop in PL/pgSQL?

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn about PL/pgSQL for loop statements to iterate over a range of integers or a result set of a query. The following illustrates the syntax of the for loop statement that loops through a range of integers:

How to return multiple records from a function in SQL?

Use setof record and return next rec if you want to return multiple records from a function, example: create or replace function test_function () returns setof record language plpgsql as $$ declare rec record; begin for rec in select i, format (‘str%s’, i), i/2*2 = i from generate_series (1, 3) i loop return next rec; end loop; end $$;

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