What is salary of Tehsildar in Haryana?

What is salary of Tehsildar in Haryana?

The in-hand salary of an HPSC Naib Tehsildar is approximately Rs 49,000 – Rs. 54,000 per month.

What is the salary of peon in Haryana?

Peon Pay scale – at a glance

Pay Band PB 1
Pay Scale Rs. 5200/- to Rs. 20,200/- per month
Grade Pay Rs. 1800/-
Under 7th pay commission 23.55% hiked

What is the salary of VLDA in Haryana?

Details of posts sanctioned , filled and vacant in Animal Husbandry Department.

# Post Pay Scale
29 Assistant 9300-34800+3600 GP
30 VLDA 9300-34800+3600 GP
31 Woolgrader 9300-34800+3200 GP
32 Care Taker 9300-34800+3600 GP

Which Pay Commission is in Haryana?

7th Pay Commission: Haryana govt raises dearness allowance to 28% from 17%

How much is the salary of SDO?

An SDO receives average salary of Rs. 23, 640/- per month excluding allowances and grades. It is an entry level salary for the newly recruited officer.

What is salary of SHO in Haryana police?

Haryana Police Constable Salary 2021 The pay scale for the Haryana Police Constable is INR 21700- INR 69,100, LEVEL 3, Cell 1. Besides enjoying a healthy sum, the candidates also get similar benefits and perks that a Government employee enjoys.

What is the pension rate in Haryana?

List of schemes/service provided by the department

Sr # Name of Scheme Amount of Pension under scheme
1 Old Age Pension Scheme Rs 1800/- PM
2 Widow Pension Rs 1800/- PM
3 Disability Pension Rs 1800/- PM
4 Ladli Pension Rs 1800/- PM

How can I get SDO in Haryana?

To become an SDO you need to qualify Public Service Commission Exam (PSC) or State Civil Services Exam conducted by your State Government. You are eligible for the exam if have completed a bachelor’s degree and you are between the age limit of 21-30 years.

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