What is SCAMPER in art?

What is SCAMPER in art?

The name SCAMPER is acronym for seven techniques; (S) substitute, (C) combine, (A) adapt, (M) modify, (P) put to another use, (E) eliminate and (R) reverse. These keywords represent the necessary questions addressed during the creative thinking meeting.

How the SCAMPER method is used to encourage creativity?

The SCAMPER technique is a tool that guides your ideas towards innovation, be it for a product, service, problem, or idea. By asking these questions systematically, you’re switching on your creative potential and opening up the possibility of combining different elements from multiple ideas.

What is a SCAMPER creativity tool?

SCAMPER technique is an Idea Manipulation Tool to guide us in generating diverse ideas. Rather than thinking original ideas, this tool provokes us to gather ideas from divergent fields, manipulate and fuse them into our requirements.

How do you make a SCAMPER?

The seven SCAMPER techniques

  1. Substitute. Find a part of your concept, product, service or process etc.
  2. Combine. Most of the time you don’t have to come up with something entirely new, but the solution(s) actually already exists.
  3. Adapt.
  4. Modify.
  5. Put to another use.
  6. Eliminate.
  7. Reverse.

What is an example of SCAMPER?

Here are some examples of how the SCAMPER verbs work for innovation: If you were making spectacles then you could substitute plastic lenses for glass (incremental innovation) or you could substitute contact lenses for spectacles (radical innovation). A mobile phone was combined with a camera and then an MP3 player.

Why is SCAMPER technique useful in research?

Current study assumes that SCAMPER is a convenient technique to develop creative thinking skills. In this respect it is aimed in the study to investigate the effect of SCAMPER on developing creative thinking skills. The findings of the study reveal that SCAMPER training significantly increased TCT-DP scores.

How is SCAMPER used in real life?

Here are some examples of how the SCAMPER verbs work for innovation:

  1. If you were making spectacles then you could substitute plastic lenses for glass (incremental innovation) or you could substitute contact lenses for spectacles (radical innovation).
  2. A mobile phone was combined with a camera and then an MP3 player.

What is SCAMPER technique example?

What is SCAMPER example?

What is SCAMPER process?

The SCAMPER Technique is a team brainstorming technique used to develop or improve products or services. SCAMPER is an acronym for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify/Magnify, Purpose, Eliminate/Minimize and Rearrange/Reverse. Substitute: What can be replaced? ( for example, components, materials, people)

How do you use the SCAMPER method?

To use SCAMPER, you simply go down the list and ask questions regarding each element. Remember, not every idea you generate will be viable; however, you can take good ideas and explore them further….SCAMPER stands for:

  1. Substitute.
  2. Combine.
  3. Adapt.
  4. Modify.
  5. Put to another use.
  6. Eliminate.
  7. Reverse.


The SCAMPER (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Magnify/Modify, Put to other uses, Eliminate, Rearrange/Reverse) process allows for the generation of ideas to suggest some addition or modification to something that already exists [28] .

What are the Scamper techniques?

For example, any response to the SCAMPER technique is welcomed no matter how non-logical is it. The seven SCAMPER techniques include the following: The substitute technique focuses on the parts in the product, service or solution that can be replaced with another.

What is the creative brainstorming technique scamper?

The creative brainstorming technique SCAMPER can help with that. This method helps people generate ideas for new products and services or come up with ways to improve and/or change things. Asking questions about existing products or services leads to creative solutions.

How do you use scamper questions?

SCAMPER helps you develop new products and services. Many of the questions it uses were created by Alex Osborn, but Bob Eberle developed the mnemonic. Substitute. Combine. Adapt. Modify. Put to another use. Eliminate. Reverse. To use SCAMPER, you simply go down the list and ask questions regarding each element.

What does scamper stand for?

SCAMPER was first introduced by Bob Eberle to address targeted questions that help solve problems or ignite creativity during brainstorming meetings. The name SCAMPER is acronym for seven techniques; (S) substitute, (C) combine, (A) adapt, (M) modify, (P) put to another use,…

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