What is Spanish word in front of?

What is Spanish word in front of?

More Spanish words for in front of. delante de preposition. before. en frente de preposition. in front of.

What is the meaning of Frente?

frente noun. front, face, forehead, brow, frontage. a preposition. to, at, of, into, by.

What does La Lengua?

1. 1.1Anatomy. tongue. saca la lengua — put out your tongue.

What is the English of Boca?

History and Etymology for boca Spanish, literally, mouth, from Latin bucca cheek, mouth.

How do you ask someone how do you go to a place for directions in Spanish?


  1. Ve (informal) – Go.
  2. Vaya (formal) – Go.
  3. Camina – Walk.
  4. Sigue – Continue.
  5. Rodea – Go around.
  6. Gira a la derecha/izquierda – Turn right/left.
  7. Da vuelta a la derecha/izquierda – Turn right/left.
  8. Sube – Go up.

How do you do Spanish accents on a keyboard?

Typing Spanish Accents

  1. á (lower case a, acute accent) = Press Ctrl + ‘ (apostrophe), then the letter a. é (lower case e, acute accent) = Press Ctrl + ‘ (apostrophe), then the letter e.
  2. Á (upper case A, acute accent) = Press Ctrl + ‘ (apostrophe), then Shift + a.
  3. ¿ (inverted question mark) = Press Alt + Ctrl + Shift +? (

How do you say in front of people in Spanish?

in front of people. . frente a las personas. See Also in Spanish. frente noun. . front, face, forehead, brow, frontage. en preposition. .

How do you use delante de in Spanish?

Usage note. In Spanish, “delante de” is used to refer to the order of things on the same side. “Enfrente de” and “al frente de” are used to refer to two things located on opposite sides (of the street, for example). in front of.

How do you use enfrente and al Frente in Spanish?

“Enfrente de” and “al frente de” are used to refer to two things located on opposite sides (of the street, for example). An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective, or other adverbs (e.g. to run quickly, very tired). The car parked in front of mine is red.El coche estacionado delante del mío es rojo.

How do you say where something is next to in Spanish?

Spanish Prepositions: How to Say Where Something is in Spanish (Next to, Above, Behind) 1 Dentro de (in) 2 Sobre (on) 3 Al lado de (next to) 4 En frente de (in front of) 5 Detrás (behind) 6 Debajo (under) 7 Entre/en medio de (between) 8 En la esquina (on the corner)

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