What is TARIC used for?
You can use TARIC to classify your goods to the appropriate code that you will need to import or export your goods. You will also be able to view the following material in TARIC: suspension of duties. tariff quotas.
Is Taric code the same as HS Code?
While the Taric Code is a European Union standardised customs identifier containing ten digits and containing information relating to duty suspension, tariff quotas and other details, the HS or Harmonised System code is integrated into the Taric code, corresponding to the first 6 digits of the code, an internationally …
What is TARIC consultation?
TARIC, the integrated Tariff of the European Union, is a multilingual database integrating all measures relating to EU customs tariff, commercial and agricultural legislation.
Is a Taric code a commodity code?
Commodity Codes can also be loosely referred to as Taric Codes, HS Codes, Tariff Codes or Tariff Headings. It is important that you provide the right commodity code to ensure that you pay the correct amount of customs duties, taxes and other charges.
Do I need a taric code?
When importing or exporting goods from outside the EU, you will need to assign a TARIC code to your customs declaration for the receiving customs body to process your goods correctly. An Post does not accept responsibility for any incorrect TARIC codes used.
What is an EU taric code?
The TARIC code (TARif Intégré Communautaire; Integrated Tariff of the European Communities) is designed to show the various rules applying to specific products when imported into the EU. In trade with third countries, the 10-digit Taric code must be used in customs and statistical declarations.
What is an EU Taric code?
What is Taric code UK?
UK tariff codes help the UK government to track trade imports into the country, and charge the right tariffs each product. HS codes are an international system for tracking trade goods.
Do I need a Taric code?
What is 3rd country duty?
Third-country duties are ordinary import duties. In principle, they are initially incurred for all goods imported into the European Union from non-Union countries. Third-country customs duties are therefore part of the import duties (customs duties, import turnover tax and other excise duties) that you have to pay.
How do I find my tariff code?
You can try the following search types:
- Text Search. Enter a brief description of the product for which you want to find out the related HS Code e.g. : “mobile phone” ,
- HS Code Search. Simply input a valid HS Code like: 7318.16,
- CAS / CUS Number Search. Enter a valid CAS Number (Chemical Abstract Number) like:
What is an ATR for Turkey?
An ATR is a certificate used for the movement of goods between the European Union and Turkey. There are two important agreements between the EU and Turkey. One is the EU-Turkey Customs Union, which covers mainly industrial products.