What is the alcopop tax?
The “alcopop tax” During 2008, in response to the rising popularity of binge-drinking culture amongst Australian youths, the Rudd government introduced a 70% tax increase on pre-mixed spirit-based alcoholic beverages.
Is there an alcohol tax in Australia?
Australians also pay the third-highest liquor taxes in the world with about 57 per cent of the retail price on a bottle of whisky or gin a tax.
What is an alcopop Australia?
In 2008, the Australian Government increased the excise tax on premixed alcoholic drinks, or alcopops, so that they were taxed at the same rate as spirits. The move was commonly referred to as the ‘alcopops tax’. As in other high-income countries, youth drinking is declining in Australia.
When was alcohol banned in Australia?
Alcohol sales were prohibited in the Australian Capital Territory between 1910 and 1928. Four referendums regarding the prohibition of alcohol were conducted in Western Australia, including one in each of the years 1911, 1921, 1925 and 1950.
What is a spirit cooler?
A blend of pure Smirnoff Vodka with pineapple & a citrus twoist. Enjoy Smirnoff Premium Pine Twist Spirit Cooler your way and taste the difference.
What is considered an alcopop?
An alcopop (or cooler, spirit cooler [in South African English], or malternative [in American English]) is any of certain flavored alcoholic beverages with relatively low alcohol content (e.g., 3–7% alcohol by volume), including: Malt beverages to which various fruit juices or other flavorings have been added.
How much alcohol is in an alcopop?
A small bottle (275ml) of 4% ABV alcopop contains 1.1 units, and because of their high sugar content, around 170 calories.
Can 16 year olds drink alcohol in Australia?
Laws that apply anywhere in Australia Legal drinking age – you must be 18 or older to buy alcohol or to drink alcohol in a licensed venue. Selling alcohol – it’s illegal to sell alcohol to anyone under 18 or to someone who is already drunk.
What is alcopop made out of?
Much of the malt (and alcohol) is removed (leaving mostly water), with subsequent addition of alcohol (usually vodka or grain alcohol), sugar, coloring and flavoring.
How much have Australians paid in alcopops taxes since 2008?
An analysis of the federal Budget papers reveals that Australians have paid $4.5bn in “alcopops” taxes since 2008/09. They are forecast to spend $960m next financial year, and $1bn in 2014/15.
Does the alcopops tax reduce alcohol harm?
Our study was the first to examine the longer term impact of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and the alcopops tax on alcohol harm in New South Wales. The Goods and Services Tax led to a 40 per cent decrease in the tax on alcopops compared with straight spirits.
What is the alcohol tax gap in Australia?
A large portion of the total population consists of entities without Australian business numbers (ABNs) who are predominantly individuals importing alcohol (67%). However, they contribute very little to overall tax, at less than 0.1% for 2017–18. For 2017–18, we estimate a net alcohol tax gap of 9.6%, or $596 million.
Why did Rtd sales increase after the alcopops tax was introduced?
Sales of RTDs increased dramatically over the 10 years before the alcopops tax came into effect. The tax was also driven by growing community concern of increasing alcohol consumption and harm among young people, teenagers in particular.