What is the algorithm for finding the greatest of three numbers?

What is the algorithm for finding the greatest of three numbers?

Algorithm to find greatest number of three given numbers Read the three integer values in num1, num2, and num3 (integer variables). Check if num1 is greater than num2. If true, then check if num1 is greater than num3. If true, then print ‘num1’ as the greatest number.

How do you find the product of three numbers?

How do you find the product of three numbers? product = number1 * number2 * number3. print *, “The sum of the three numbers is “, total. print *, “The product of the three numbers is “, product.

What 3 numbers are the product of 36?

The prime factors are 2 and 3. If the question means ‘which three distinct numbers can be multiplied to get 36’, then 2, 3 and 6 do the trick.

What is Max product?

Max-product is a standard belief propagation algorithm on factor graph models. The max-product algorithm executes simultaneous updates of all messages until all messages converge to fixed functions. With proper initialization, it can compute either unconditional or conditional max-marginal probabilities.

What is a maximum product in math?

product: multiplication. positive numbers: numbers greater than zero (which, by the way, is neither positive nor negative) maximum: the greatest value; a function has, at most, one value of the dependent variable for each allowable value of the input variables.

How do you find the maximum of 3 numbers in C?

  1. Take the three numbers and store it in the variables num1, num2 and num3 respectively.
  2. Firstly check if the num1 is greater than num2.
  3. If it is, then check if it is greater than num3.
  4. If it is, then print the output as “num1 is the greatest among three”.
  5. Otherwise print the ouput as “num3 is the greatest among three”.

How do you find the largest of three numbers algorithm and flowchart?

1. Draw the flow chart for finding largest of three numbers and write an algorithm and explain it.

  1. Start.
  2. Input A,B,C.
  3. If (A>B) and (A>C) then print “A is greater”.
  4. Else if (B>A) and (B>C) then print “B is greater”.
  5. Else print “C is greater”.
  6. Stop.

How do you calculate the product?

The product of two numbers is the result you get when you multiply them together. So 12 is the product of 3 and 4, 20 is the product of 4 and 5 and so on.

What does the product of three numbers mean?

A product is the result of carrying out the mathematical operation of multiplication. When you multiply numbers together, you get their product.

How can 3 numbers make 36?


  1. 1×36=36.
  2. 2×18=36.
  3. 3×12=36.
  4. 4×9=36.
  5. 6×6=36.

How do you find the maximum product of three numbers?

To find the maximum product of three numbers, we can find all the triplets of the array and multiply them to get the maximum result. Why did we initialize maxProduct with INT_MIN?

How to find three numbers whose product is maximum in MySQL?

Given an integer array nums, find three numbers whose product is maximum and return the maximum product. Example 1: Input:nums = [1,2,3] Output:6 Example 2: Input:nums = [1,2,3,4] Output:24 Example 3:

What is the maximum product of the last 3 elements?

The maximum product would be the product of the last three elements or the starting two elements with the last element. Single scan: Create 5 variables to maintain the largest, second-largest, third-largest, smallest, and second smallest. The combination of three would be the maximum product.

Why can the maximum product of any triplet have two smallest numbers?

The reason why the maximum product of any triplet could have two smallest numbers because there could be negative numbers in the nums array and the product of the two smallest numbers could be largely positive if the numbers are greater than the 2nd and 3rd largest number of the array.

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