What is the anatomy of the ear in anatomy 54?

What is the anatomy of the ear in anatomy 54?

54 Anatomy and physiology of the ear and hearing Figure 2.1. The pinna and external auditory canal form the outer ear, which is separated from the middle ear by the tympanic membrane. The middle ear houses three ossicles, the malleus, incus and stapes and is connected to the back of the nose by the Eustachian tube.

What is the anatomy and physiology of the middle ear?

Middle ear anatomy: contents: • Eardrum • Ossicles: –malleus –incus –stapes • Oval Window • Round Window • Facial Nerve Middle ear Physiology: • Aeration: •Eustachian tube •Mastoid air cell “reservoir” • Mucosa • Sound amplification •TM •Ossicles Middle ear Physiology:

What is the function of the pinna and external auditory canal?

The pinna and external auditory canal form the outer ear, which is separated from the middle ear by the tympanic membrane. The middle ear houses three ossicles, the malleus, incus and stapes and is connected to the back of the nose by the Eustachian tube. Together they form the sound conducting mechanism.

What are the 3 parts of the ear?

Ear: The 3 Parts: Middle Ear Cleft: ƒMiddle Ear itself ƒEustachian Tube ƒMastoid Air Cell System Ear: The 3 Parts: Inner Ear: “The Labyrinth” ƒCochlea ƒVestibule: Utricle Saccule Semicircular Canals ƒVestibulocochlear Nerve –> CNS External Ear: Tissues: Function: • Skin incl Desquamation, migration


What is the bony labyrinth of the ear?

A bony casing houses a complex system of membranous cells. The inner ear is called the labyrinth because of its complex shape. There are two main sections within the inner ear: the bony labyrinth and the membranous labyrinth.

What does the outer part of the ear collect?

The outer part of the ear collects sound. Sound travels through the auricle and the auditory canal, a short tube that ends at the eardrum.

What is the external auditory meatus?

The external auditory meatus, or ear canal, is a narrow canal that leads from the concha to the tympanic membrane, or eardrum. Sound waves are delivered through this canal. This canal is prone to ear infections. This is the small, rigid part of the ears along the front of the ear, adjacent to the face.

What are the bones in the outer ear called?

Ear Anatomy – Outer Ear. Attached to the center part of the drum is the middle ear bone (the malleus). MIDDLE EAR The space inside the ear drum is called the middle ear. Three of the smallest bones of the body are found in the middle ear; they are called the malleus, the incus and the stapes. These bones are also known as the hammer,…

How many ossicles are in the middle ear?

Each ear contains three ossicles, or bones, in the middle ear: the malleus incus stapes. These ossicles transmit sound signals from the outer ear to the inner ear.

What are the parts of the ear and its function?

The ear has outer, middle, and inner portions. The ear canal and outer cartilage of the ear make up the outer ear. The ear canal transports sound from the outer ear to the eardrum, which is in the middle ear. The ear canal is fairly exposed to the environment.

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