What is the architecture of Oracle?
An Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database architecture consists of multiple instances that run on separate server machines. All of them share the same database. The cluster of server machines appear as a single server on one end, and end users and applications on the other end.
What are the components of Oracle architecture?
An Oracle instance consists of three main parts: System Global Area (SGA), Program Global Area (PGA), and background processes. The SGA is a shared memory structure allocated when the instance started up and released when it is shut down.
What is 11g Oracle?
O. Version 11g of the Oracle Database, which included built-in testing for changes, the capability of viewing tables back in time, superior compression of all types of data and enhanced disaster recovery functions. The “g” stood for “grid computing,” which supports clusters of servers that are treated as a single unit.
What type of architecture does Oracle DBMS use?
Oracle is a fully scalable relational database architecture and is often used by global enterprises which manage and process data across wide and local area networks. The Oracle database has its own network component to allow communications across networks.
Why is Oracle used?
Why do We Use Oracle? It is a database management software product. A database contains an organized collection of information. A database management system is not only used for storing the data but to effectively manage it and provides high performance, authorized access and failure recovery features.
What is SGA and PGA in Oracle 11g?
The SGA is a group of shared memory structures, known as SGA components, that contain data and control information for one Oracle Database instance. A PGA is a nonshared memory region that contains data and control information exclusively for use by an Oracle process.
What is Oracle and why it is used?
What does Oracle actually do?
So, what does Oracle do exactly? They make enterprise software, most notably a database management system, for UNIX, Linux, and Windows operating systems. And with their acquisition of Sun Microsystems in 2010, they also moved into the hardware business.
What are the new features in Oracle 11g?
Enhanced Finer Grained Dependency Management. DDL With the WAIT Option (DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT) Invisible Indexes. Cross-Session PL/SQL Function Result Cache.
What does 11g mean?
Oracle 10g, 11g 10g and 11g stands for GRID. Starting in 2003 with version 10g and 11g, G signifies “Grid Computing” with the release of Oracle10g in 2003. Oracle 10g was introduced with emphasis on the “g” for grid computing, which enables clusters of low-cost, industry standard servers to be treated as a single unit.
What is Oracle simple words?
1 : a person (as a priestess in ancient Greece) through whom a god is believed to speak. 2 : the place where a god speaks through a person.
What is Oracle database called?
Oracle DBMS
Oracle Database (commonly referred to as Oracle DBMS or simply as Oracle) is a multi-model database management system produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation.
Oracle 11g new Features. Oracle 11g is the clear leader in this area. Oracle has invested heavily into self-tuning capabilities including automated storage and memory management and intelligent tuning advisors. Now in 11g, Oracle closes the loop and offers intelligent automation tools to create a self-healing database.
What’s the difference between Oracle 10g and 11g?
Difference between Oracle 10g and 11g. 1- Enhanced Automatic Memory Management System. Oracle 9i automated PGA management by introducing PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET parameter. Oracle 10g continued this trend by automating SGA management using the SGA_TARGET parameter. Oracle 11g takes this one step further by allowing you to allocate one chunk of memory, which
What are the advantages of Oracle 11g?
Scalability and Performance: Features like Real Application Clustering and Portability make an Oracle database scalable according to the usage.
What is difference between Oracle 11g or 9i?
The following are the major differences between Oracle Internet Directory 9i, 10, 11g: 1. Creation of Instances and management of Processes – in 9i, 10g and older releases storage of information for configuring an instance of Oracle internet Directory is in configuration set with DN of this form; cn=configsetN,cn=osdldapd,cn=subconfigsubentry. In new the new release of 11g the procedure of creation of an instance has changed to this form; cn=componentname,cn=osdldapd,cn=subconfigsubentry