What is the Brazilian rainforest famous for?
The Amazon Rainforest is the world’s richest and most-varied biological reservoir, containing several million species of insects, plants, birds, and other forms of life, many still unrecorded by science. The luxuriant vegetation encompasses a wide variety of trees.
How much of Brazil is rainforest?
Rainforests cover almost 60% of the entire area of Brazil at 477 698 000 hectares, which is equivalent to 1 844 394 square miles or just under 3 million square kilometres. This means that Brazil is home to a third of the world’s rainforests, making it one of the most intriguing and beautiful lands on earth.
What is happening to the rainforests in Brazil?
Most of the rainforest areas in Brazil are concentrated within the Amazon Basin, which is particularly humid, with year-round precipitation, making for the ideal ‘jungle’ environment. The Brazilian rainforests, also dubbed as the “lungs of the world” for the valuable Oxygen that they release during respiration, serve many purposes for humankind.
Which rainforest is found in Brazil?
While the Amazon rainforest is Brazil’s most famous forest, the country also has other types of forest. The Mata Atlântica or Atlantic Forest is a drier tropical forest that lies along the coast and inland areas to the south of the Amazon.
What are names of some rainforests in Brazil?
The 15 Most Famous Natural Wonders Of Brazil The Amazon Rainforest, 9 states. Aerial view of the vast Amazon Rainforest in Brazil. Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco. A stunning beach in the Fernando de Noronha. Cachoeira da Fumaça (Smoke Falls), Bahia. Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, Maranhão. Rocas Atoll, Rio Grande do Norte. Iguazú Falls, Paraná. Pico da Neblina, Amazonas.
Is there a tropical rain forest in Brazil?
RAINFOREST INFORMATION Tropical forests presently cover about 2.4 billion hectares or about 16 percent of Earth’s land surface. The world’s largest rainforest is the Amazon rainforest Brazil has the largest extent of rainforest cover, including nearly two-thirds of the Amazon.