What is the CCR rule?
The Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Rule, first issued in April 2015, regulates the disposal of coal ash in landfills and surface impoundments under Subtitle D of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. The rule does not change existing requirements for CCR landfills.
What is the coal ash rule?
In 2015, the Obama administration finalized the first federal regulation of coal ash (“2015 Rule”) under Subtitle D of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The rule allowed unlined coal ash impoundments without leaks to continue operating. Environmentalists and industry both challenged the final rule.
What is CCR coal ash?
Coal ash, or coal combustion residuals (CCR), is produced whenever coal is burned at coal-fired power plants and is one of the largest forms of industrial waste. These risks were realized during a major coal ash spill in Tennessee in 2008 and again in North Carolina in 2014.
What is CCR waste?
CR&R Incorporated is one of Southern California’s most innovative and successful waste and recycling collection companies, serving more than 3 million people and over 25,000 businesses throughout Orange, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Imperial and Riverside counties.
What is the difference between coal ash and fly ash?
Coal ash is a general term—it refers to whatever waste is leftover after coal is combusted, usually in a coal-fired power plant. It contains arsenic, mercury, lead, and many other heavy metals. Fly ash particles are the lightest kind of coal ash—so light that they “fly” up into the exhaust stacks of the power plant.
What type of waste is coal ash?
Coal ash is one of the largest types of industrial waste generated in the United States. According to the American Coal Ash Association’s Coal Combustion Product Production & Use Survey Report, nearly 130 million tons of coal ash was generated in 2014.
What is CCR in power plants?
Coal Ash (Coal Combustion Residuals, or CCR)
Why is coal ash stored in ponds?
An ash pond, also called a coal ash basin or surface impoundment, is an engineered structure used at fossil fuel power stations for the disposal of two types of coal combustion products: bottom ash and fly ash. The pond is used as a landfill to prevent the release of ash into the atmosphere.
Is CCR hazardous?
Unless you live under a rock, you know about the new CCR Rule, a RCRA Subtitle D Non-Hazardous Waste Rule that covers CCRs including fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, and flue gas desulfurization (FGD) waste.
What does CR and R stand for?
CR&R Waste and Recycling Services.
How is the CCR rule enforced?
If funds are not provided by Congress, the federal CCR rule will be enforced through citizen lawsuits in the non-participating state. EPA can now enforce the federal CCR rule under RCRA Sections 3007 and 3008 in states without an EPA-approved permit program.
What is the federal overtime rule?
The new federal overtime rule will go into effect Dec. 1. It guarantees time-and-a-half pay to any salaried employee earning less than $47,476 a year ($913 a week) and who works more than 40 hours in a week.
What is the Federal Rule?
Federal Rules. Federal courts and states that have adopted the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure have eliminated the distinction between a general and a special appearance. Instead of challenging the court’s personal jurisdiction in a special appearance, a defendant can do so by use of a pretrial motion to dismiss the Cause of Action,…
What is a federal court rule?
Rules of court are a set of procedural regulations adopted by courts which must be followed by those within the jurisdiction of those courts. Federal court rules are adopted by the district courts based on the Federal Rules of Procedure, and there are state court rules in most states that apply statewide.